Developing Broader Impacts and Outreach Activities

word cloud of terms related to broader impacts


Broader Impacts are the likely practical applications of research and education activities – in the short-term and/or long-term.

Here are some resources to support development of the broader impacts component of your NSF project or other outreach activities at UNH.

The Potential Partners section below lists partners (within UNH and beyond) that have indicated they’re interested in working with UNH researchers and project directors.


UNH Broader Impacts and Partnership Resources

Broader Impacts and Partnership Resources in the RD Digital Library
Resources developed specifically to help UNH researchers and scholars develop their broader impacts and outreach activity plans, selected resources from others, and NSF's Broader Impacts reports.


National Science Foundation (NSF)

Broader Impacts

NSF 101: Five Tips for Your Broader Impacts Statement

A Broader Impacts Framework for Proposals Submitted to NSF's Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences Directorate


Advancing Research Impacts in Society (ARIS)

Formerly known as the National Alliance for Broader Impacts (NABI), ARIS is an international network of individuals and organizations working together to build institutional capacity, advance broader impacts, and demonstrate the societal benefits of research. ARIS works with scientists and engagement practitioners to build capacity, advance scholarship, and grow partnerships, and provides resources to help them engage with and demonstrate the impact of research in their communities and society. ARIS is supported by the National Science Foundation.

ARIS Broader Impacts Toolkit:

  • Broader Impacts Guiding Principles  
    What does NSF require? Get a high-level overview of societally relevant outcomes and review criteria specified by NSF
  • Planning Checklist  
    What elements are needed in a BI project? Use this list to review the key elements of an effective BI project proposal
  • BI Wizard  
    How to I develop my BI project proposal? Our interactive wizard will walk you through all of the key steps to building partnerships and and effective projec
  • BI Project Rubric  
    How to I assess my project's potential? Use this interactive rubric to help you evaluate a Broader Impact project plan
  • Toolkit Quickstart and FAQs
    Learn about the various ways you can use the ARIS Toolkit to help you develop BI plans, review the BI plans of others, and communicate the societal impacts of your research.

All ARIS Resources - publications, webinars, summit documents and videos

ARIS YouTube Channel

Broader Impacts 101 webinar

ARIS Report (2023): Evolution of Broader Impacts


Other Resources

How to Nail Broader Impacts in Your Next NSF Grant Application - American Society for Microbiology

Broader Impacts Resource Center – Penn State

Broader Impacts resources – UMass Amherst


Potential Partners

These organizations within UNH and beyond are looking forward to working with UNH researchers!

Knowledge Base

The Knowledge Base contains forms, instruction and training material, minutes, policies, tools and other resources to support your research efforts by topic area.

UNH Research and large center development Contacts

Caitlin Aspinall
Senior Associate
Phone: (603) 862-2497

Lynnette Hentges
Senior Associate
Phone: (603) 862-2002

Michael Thompson
Phone: (603) 862-5255

Mark Milutinovich
Executive Director
Phone: (603) 862-5338

Ruth Davis
Program Assistant
Phone: (603) 862-2410

RLCD Main Office:
303 Thompson Hall

NSF-funded initiative to improve the climate for UNH faculty through fair and equitable policies, practices, and leadership development

Carsey School of Public Policy

Center for Acoustics Research & Education

Connect Summer Program -- Connect STEM
First-year transition to college program open to historically underrepresented students that is designed specifically for students interested in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) fields  and who have been admitted to the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences (CEPS) or the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture (COLSA).

EPIC (Elementary Program Introducing Computing) Camp
Camp that teaches students entering grades 4-6 how to think logically and creatively through fun games, challenging puzzles, visual programming, and building and programming LEGO Mindstorm robots to tackle mini real-world challenges

Hamel Center for Undergraduate Research

InterOperability Laboratory
Fosters multi-vendor interoperability and conformance to data communications networking standards while educating students for future employment in the industry

Leitzel Center for Mathematics, Science and Engineering Education - Programs
Runs a number of programs with the goal of developing educators' knowledge of science, mathematics, and engineering concepts, along with human learning strategies—developing learners who experience the joy of discovery and the challenge of understanding; providing learning environments that support active engagement

McNair Scholars Program
Academic enrichment and graduate school preparation initiative for first generation/ economically disadvantaged or underrepresented juniors/seniors 

NH Sea Grant
Federal-university partnership that supports research, education and outreach to help balance the conservation of coastal and marine resources with a sustainable economy and environment

An on-campus intellectually challenging experience for academically motivated high school students that provides a forum in a college campus setting in which high school students from South Eastern New Hampshire and Southern Maine can experience a series of presentations covering challenging interdisciplinary topics and interact with each other in discussion groups

Seacoast Reads
Local implementation of the America Reads Challenge in which UNH undergraduates volunteer in local schools, libraries, and after-school programs to help elementary and middle school students improve their reading and writing skills through one-on-one support

Innovative underwater robotics program for classroom or after school

Shoals Marine Laboratory
A remote field station located on Appledore Island, Maine jointly operated by Cornell University and the University of New Hampshire that offers learning and research opportunities for students, interns, and members of the broader scientific community

Student Competitions, e.g., LunaCats, UNH Precision Racing, Holloway Prize

Student Organizations

UNH Manchester

UNH Cooperative Extension

UNH Tech Camp
Variety of programs that use a dynamic, project-based format that emphasizes collaborative experiential learning, creative thinking and problem solving in topic areas such as cybersecurity, mechanical engineering, forensics, environmental science, virtual reality, structural engineering, transportation engineering, regenerative medicine, and biofabrication

UNH Youth Programs
Provides students in grades preK - 12 the opportunity to explore their interests and talents in a dynamic university setting through summer camps in athletics and recreation to academic enrichment, STEM and the arts and numerous academic year programs and events

Advocates for, manages, and promotes the intellectual assets created by UNH students, faculty, and staff

Digital Earth Watch
DEW supports environmental monitoring through digital photography, satellite imagery, and ideas for investigations and activities including setting up and using picture posts.

The Picture Post network website hosts repeat digital photographs taken by monitors at picture post sites Contact Annette Schloss

GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment) Program
International science and education program that provides students and the public worldwide with the opportunity to participate in data collection and the scientific process, and contribute meaningfully to our understanding of the Earth system and global environment – Contact
Jen Bourgeault

Junior Science & Humanities Symposium
Promotes STEM research and experimentation at high school level – Contact Subhash Minocha

Research and outreach activities to: broaden and strengthen NH's research capacity and competitiveness; support business, industry and society with a workforce educated in science, engineering and mathematics; and improve communication between scientists and the public

Merit-based program designed to strengthen research capabilities at member academic institutions in jurisdictions not equably participating in competitive aerospace and aerospace-related research activities

NH Space Grant Consortium

Brings together NH's educational and scientific communities to foster public interest in science education, scholarship, and research

Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership (PREP)
Joint local/state/federal program working to protect and enhance estuarine resources

Academy for Science and Design 
Chartered public school in Nashua, NH

Blue Ocean Society for Marine Conservation

Children's Museum of New Hampshire

Explore the Ocean World, LLC
Hands-on classroom ocean science program and summer Oceanarium facility at Hampton Beach, NH led by marine biologist/UNH alum Ellen Goethel

FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology)

Girls, Inc. of New Hampshire
Research-based informal education programs on topics such as math and science education, pregnancy and drug abuse prevention, media literacy, economic literacy, adolescent health, violence prevention, careers and leadership, and sports participation

Gundalow Company
Protecting the Piscataqua region's maritime heritage and environment through education and action

Hank Green (Book Writer, Video Maker, Science Communicator, Small Business Lover. Co-creator of Crash Course, SciShow, Vlogbrothers, VidCon,; @hankgreen)

Do you ever apply for NSF Grants that have Broader Impact requirements? Would you like to work with me and @ComplexlyMedia to get outreach work done? I feel like we can help each other! Email me at:

McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center

National Society of Black Engineers

New England Association of Chemistry Teachers

New England Catalysis Society

NH High Tech Council

NH Manufacturing Extension Partnership

NH Science Olympiad
Science competitions and events for grade K-12 students and their teachers

NH Science Teachers Association

NH Teachers of Mathematics

NH Transfer Connections Program
Provides guidance and resources to facilitate planning for and making the transition from associate's degree programs to bachelor's programs at NH institutions

North Country Educational Services
Provides professional development and services, e.g., psychological assessment, speech and occupational therapy, distance learning, resource library

NSF Research Assistantships for High School Students (RAHSS): Funding to Broaden Participation in the Biological Sciences
Fosters interest in the pursuit of studies in the Biological Sciences and broadens participation of high school students, particularly individuals from those groups underrepresented in STEM

NSF Research Experiences for Teachers (RET)
Research/educational opportunity for in-service and pre-service K-12 STEM teachers and community college faculty

NSF Research Experience for Teachers (RET): Funding Opportunity in the Biological Sciences
Enables K-12 science educators to participate in projects funded by the Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO)

NSF Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) in Engineering and Computer Science
Program from the Directorates for Engineering (ENG) and Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) focused on a reciprocal exchange of expertise between K-14 educators and research faculty and (when applicable) industry mentors

NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)
Active research participation by undergraduate students

NSF Veterans Research Supplement (VSR) Program
Active research participation by veterans as community college, undergraduate or graduate students, K-12 STEM teachers, or community college faculty

Seacoast School of Technology
Regional Career and Technical Center serving high school students in New Hampshire's Seacoast region

Seacoast Science Center

SEE Science Center

Student Design Competitions