Build Grant Seeking Skills

Workshops & Programs Coming Up Soon from Across REEO

Check back soon for more workshops and programs!

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The Research and Large Center Development Office offers a variety of programs to help faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and other researchers and scholars build their grant seeking skills, learn about sponsors, and learn how to work more effectively with collaborators and teams. Special programs are provided for graduate students.

Workshops By Theme

Workshops and programs presented by Research and Large Center Development can be grouped into the following themes:

  • Instrumentation & Infrastructure
  • Meet the Agencies
  • Research Career Development
  • Program-Focused Info and Support

See our 2023 -2024 Schedule for programs that were offered in Fall Semester 2023 and Spring Semester 2024.
The 2024-2025 schedule will be posted in late summer.

Slides, recordings and other resources from previous Research and Large Center Development programs are archived in Workshop Resources

Graduate Student Programs

Programs designed specifically to help graduate students enhance their skills for seeking and securing funding for their research and scholarly activities

Research Development and Grant Writing News

This monthly newsletter provides advice on how to compete successfully for research and education funding from federal agencies and from foundations. It also includes news items related to grant seeking and grants policy and planning.
Monthly issues dating from July 15, 2012 to June 15, 2024 are available in here.

UNH Research and Large Center Development Office Contacts

Caitlin Aspinall
Senior Associate
Phone: (603) 862-2497

Lynnette Hentges
Senior Associate
Phone: (603) 862-2002

Michael Thompson
Phone: (603) 862-5255

Mark Milutinovich
Executive Director
Phone: (603) 862-5338

Ruth Davis
Program Assistant
Phone: (603) 862-2410

RLCD Main Office:
303 Thompson Hall