One of the University of New Hampshire’s primary missions is to support the creation and dissemination of knowledge. In fulfilling this mission, members of the UNH community undertake many forms of scholarly activity. Ethical conduct in these activities is vital to ensuring the integrity of the scholarly process and its outcomes.
Standards fundamental to the ethical conduct of scholarly activity include:
- Honesty
- Respect
- Accuracy
- Fairness
Conduct that embodies the standards of honesty, respect, accuracy and fairness, and others that promote trust and collaboration, are fundamental to the integrity of scholarly activity. As in society at large, fraudulent behavior, such as lying, cheating or stealing, is damaging to, and unacceptable within, the academic community.
Accordingly, UNH has adopted a policy on misconduct in scholarly activity that describes actions that comprise misconduct at UNH, and details the procedures for handling misconduct allegations. The UNH Misconduct Policy is applicable to all members of the UNH community, including, but not limited to, faculty, staff, and graduate and certain undergraduate students.
unh policy on misconduct in scholarly activity
Allegations of misconduct in scholarly activity should be reported without delay. See the Reporting section (#9) of the policy for details. UNH's Deciding Official is UNH's Senior Vice Provost for Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach (SVPREEO) (replaced the Senior Vice Provost for Research position named in the policy), Dr. Marian McCord, and UNH's Research Integrity Officer (RIO) is Dr. Julie Simpson.
For training in the responsible conduct of research, visit the RCR Training at UNH webpage.
General information
View Misconduct in Scholarly Activity Knowledge BaseThe Knowledge Base contains forms, instruction and training material, minutes, policies, tools and other resources to support your research efforts by topic area.