Hot Work

The University of New Hampshire Hot Work Permit Program establishes the written procedures to be used to assist in prevention fires resulting from temporary operations involving an open flame, produce heat, or those that generate sparks and/or hot slag. This includes, but is not limited to brazing, cutting, grinding, soldering, thawing pipes, torch applied roofing, and welding.

The program applies to all UNH personnel and contractors that would be required to conduct and/or supervise hot work activities as described above; in existing buildings, during renovation of existing buildings, and/or new construction activities, or whenever hot work is conducted outside of a specifically designated welding/hot work area. Prior to initiating hot work in an area as previously described, a Hot Work Permit must be completed and submitted. 

Support from OEHS

The Office of Environmental Health and Safety is available to assist with hot work activities, including:

  • Review and approval of Blanket Hot Work Permits
  • Training on the Hot Work Permit Program
  • Inspections and audits of Hot Work procedures
  • Assistance with departmental implementation of the Hot Work Permit program

Hot Work Permit Directions

Single Shift Coverage - For single shift coverage the UNH Supervisor/Project Manager will check the single shift permit box, fill in the appropriate information, complete the required precautions checklist on the right side of the Hot Work Permit and, upon completion, sign the Hot Work Permit to authorize the work. The Hot Work Permit will be forwarded to OEHS. 

Blanket Permit Coverage - For blanket permit coverage the UNH Supervisor/Project Manager will check the blanket permit box, fill in the appropriate information and compete the required precautions checklist on the right side of the Hot Work Permit. The blanket permit request will then be forwarded to OEHS for review. Blanket permit requests must be submitted for review a minimum of seven (7) calendar days prior to the scheduled start of hot work activities to allow for sufficient review time. OEHS will coordinate with the applicable UNH Supervisor/Project Manager and/or Competent Hot Work Supervisor to review the actual job site and blanket permit request. Upon completion of the OEHS review, should conditions be acceptable, the blanket permit will be approved. OEHS will sign and forward a copy to the UNH Supervisor/Project Manager. 

For all approved blanket permits, the precautions specified on the permit and used during the initial permit issue must be reviewed and implemented prior to each hot work task covered by the blanket permit. 

Blanket permits will be issued for a maximum fourteen (14) consecutive calendar day interval. Blanket permits will not be issued for multiple buildings.

Additional Resources


View Occupational Safety Knowledge Base

The Knowledge Base contains forms, instruction and training material, minutes, policies, tools and other resources to support your research efforts by topic area.

Contact Information

Brian Cournoyer, Occupational Health and Safety Manager
Phone: (603) 862-4761

Andrew Ernakovich, Occupational Health and Safety Coordinator
Phone: (603) 862-4266