Confined Space Entry

The University of New Hampshire has developed a comprehensive Confined Space Entry Program to protect those employees that may be required to enter confined spaces as part of their daily activities. The program includes procedures to be used during entry operations.

What is a Confined Space?

UNH is home to many work spaces that meet the definition of the OSHA standard for a confined space. A confined space is defined as a space that meets the following criteria:

  • Is large enough and configured that an employee can enter and perform assigned work
  • Has limited or restricted means for entry
  • Is not designed for continuous employee occupancy

Entry into these spaces can expose employees to a variety of hazards that can present a serious risk to health and safety. These hazards include hazardous atmospheres, materials that can engulf an entrant; inwardly converging walls that can trap entrants, or any other serious safety hazard that can impact an entrant. Should any of these hazards be present, or have the potential to be present, the confined space would be classified as a permit required confined space. Entry into a permit required confined space is restricted and restricted to those employees that have received training on safe entry procedures.  In addition, as the definition indicates, entry is only allowed through the use of a permit system.

Support from OEHS

The Office of Environmental Health and Safety is available to provide technical support for those covered by the Confined Space Entry program to include:

  • Confined space assessments
  • Field reviews of entry operations
  • Training for those entry supervisor, attendants, and entrants
  • Atmospheric monitoring assistance
  • Respiratory Protection

Confined Space Inventory Database

The Confined Space Inventory Database (CSID) is a compilation of detailed assessments of confined spaces throughout University of New Hampshire on-campus and off-campus facilities. Any employee entering a permit required confined space is required to submit a pre-entry plan to both the UNH Office of Environmental Health and Safety (OEHS) as well as the Durham Fire Department (DFD), 24 hours in advance of scheduled entry operations. Pre-entry plans, reclassification forms and alternate entry forms can be completed and submitted to both OEHS and DFD through the CSID. 

Additional Resources

View Occupational Safety Knowledge Base

The Knowledge Base contains forms, instruction and training material, minutes, policies, tools and other resources to support your research efforts by topic area.

Contact Information

Brian Cournoyer, Occupational Health and Safety Manager
Phone: (603) 862-4761

Andrew Ernakovich, Occupational Health and Safety Coordinator
Phone: (603) 862-4266