Basic Safety Philosophy
Radiation safety at UNH is achieved through the joint efforts of the Radiation Worker, the supervisor, and the radiation safety program of the Office of Environmental Health and Safety. Training is an important method to assure each individual understands their role in achieving this goal.
As a condition of our New Hampshire Radioactive Materials License, no one may enter a room containing radioactive materials unless that person has received radiation safety training. It is the responsibility of the Authorized User to insure that all people entering his or her area are so trained. This includes faculty, staff members, students, secretaries, maintenance and custodial personnel, visitors, etc. The only exception to this rule would be a person passing through the area on a guided tour.
Rules for individuals who have not received radiation training:
- If the area has a radiation sign on the door - Stay out!
- If you see something with a radiation sign on it - Don't touch it.
- If you see anything with a radiation sign where it doesn't belong,
call a Radiation Worker or the Radiation Safety Officer to remove it.
Authorized User Training
No one may obtain a permit (sub license) for the independent use of radionuclides at UNH unless they have had 40 hours of radiation safety training or its equivalent. The University does not provide this training but it is available from other locations around the country. Perspective Authorized Users must also complete the Radiation Worker course provided by EH&S.
Radiation Worker Training
Any individual wishing to work with radioactive materials at the University of New Hampshire, must complete the training course presented by the Environmental Health and Safety Office. This course consists of a classroom lecture and an exam with a minimum passing grade of 80%. It covers radiation physics and instrumentation, radiation biology, principles and practices of radiation protection and the mathematics pertaining to the use and measurement of radioactivity. The participant is also required to read the University of New Hampshire's Radiation Safety Users Guide. On completion of the course, the individual is listed on the permit (sublicense) of a member of the faculty as a Radiation Worker of radioactive material at the University of New Hampshire.
Radioactive Worker Training
This class is required for any individual who will directly handle radioactive material. Upon successful completion of the class and written exam, the individual will be listed on a Radioactive Material User’s Permit and may begin using sources of radiation after completing lab-specific training. This training will be offered upon request. Please contact the Radiation Safety Officer via email or at 862-4041 for more information.
Radiation Awareness Training for Ancillary Personnel
Any individual who works near areas where radioactive material is used or who may have reason to enter such an area must participate in a one hour awareness training session. This is for ancillary personnel and does not replace training for Radiation Workers. This program can be presented at the department level for all personnel or may be taken by individuals through the Office of Environmental Health and Safety. All new employees working in areas containing radioactive materials are required to attend this training. It includes a discussion of what radiation is, where it is located on campus, how to protect oneself, and what to do in case of an emergency. Upon completion of the training the individual is authorized to enter restricted areas containing radioactive materials. A record of completion will be placed in each attendee's personnel file.
Radiation Awareness Training
This general awareness class is mandatory for any individual who will enter or work in an area where radioactive materials are used, stored or handled. This class does not authorize an individual to handle or use sources of radiation. This training is being offered online in UNHCEMS. Please contact the Radiation Safety Officer via email or at 862-4041 to be added to this course or for more information.
State of New Hampshire, Bureau of Radiological Health Training requirements for the use of Radioactive Materials
He-P 4019.04 Instructions to Workers
All individuals likely to receive an occupational dose shall:
- Be kept informed of the storage, transfer, or use of sources of radiation in the licensee's or registrant's workplace;
- Be instructed in: a. The health protection problems associated with exposure to radiation or radioactive material to the individual and potential offspring; b. Precautions or procedures to minimize exposure; and c. The purposes and functions of protective devices employed;
- Be instructed in, and instructed to observe, to the extent within the worker's control, the applicable provisions of these rules and licenses for the protection of personnel from exposures to radiation or radioactive material occurring in such areas;
- Be instructed of their responsibility to report promptly to the licensee or registrant any condition which may constitute, lead to, or cause a violation of the Act, these rules, and license conditions or unnecessary exposure to radiation or radioactive material;
- Be instructed in the appropriate response to warnings made in the event of any unusual occurrence or malfunction that may involve exposure to radiation or radioactive material; and
- Be advised as to the radiation exposure reports which workers shall be furnished pursuant to He-P 4019.05.
The extent of these instructions shall be commensurate with potential radiological health protection problems present in the workplace.
For more information contact the Radiation Safety Officer at (603) 862-4041.
View Radiation, Laser, Magnet & X-Ray Safety Knowledge Base
The Knowledge Base contains forms, instruction and training material, minutes, policies, tools and other resources to support your research efforts by topic area.
Radiation Safety Officer
Office: (603) 862-4041
Cell: (603) 312-2500