Hazard Communication: Pictograms

The new labeling requirements outlined in the revised OSHA Hazard Communication Standard requires each label to contain pictograms to alert users of the chemical hazard to which they may be exposed.  Labels may have one of multiple pictograms depending on the chemical substance.  The pictograms and associated hazards are listed below.  It must be noted that the Environmental pictogram is non mandatory under the revised OSHA standard as environmental risks fall under the responsibility of the Environmental Protection Agency; however it is depicted here for your reference. 

silhouete of person

Health Hazards: Carcinogen. Mutagenicity. Reproductive Toxicity. Respiratory Sensitizer. Target Organ Toxicity. Aspiration Toxicity.

picture of exploding bomb

Exploding Bomb: Explosives. Self-Reactives. Organic Peroxides.

flame over circle

Flame Over Circle: Oxidizers

scull and crossbones

Scull and Crossbones: Acute Toxicity (fatal or toxic)


Flame: Flammables. Pyrophorics. Self-Heating. Emits Flammable Gas. Self-Reactive. Organic Peroxides.

exclamation point

Exclamation Point: Irritant (skin and eye). Skin Sensitizer. Acute Toxicity. Narcotic Effects. Respiratory Tract Irritant. Hazardous to Ozone Layer.

gas cylinder

Gas Cylinder: Gasses Under Pressure.


Corrosion: Skin Corrosion. Burns.

water pollution

Environmental (Non-mandatory): Aquatic Toxicity


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Contact Information

Brian Cournoyer, Occupational Health and Safety Manager
Phone: (603) 862-4761
Email: brian.cournoyer@unh.edu

Andrew Ernakovich, Occupational Health and Safety Coordinator
Phone: (603) 862-4266
Email: Andrew.Ernakovich@unh.edu