
Resource Category Topic
Course Reserves (UNH Library)
Course reserves are materials that faculty can request to be made available to their classes for limited circulation periods.
Type: Service
Learning Resources Library Resources
Library Reserves (UNH Library)
Books, CDs, DVDs, articles, book chapters, hardware, and even software can be put on reserve at any UNH Library location for limited circulation…
Type: Service
Learning Resources Library Resources
Library Research Guides (UNH Library)
Subject guides provide recommendations for finding articles, books, and background information. Course guides identify course-specific library…
Type: Service
Learning Resources Library Resources
Copyright Guidelines (UNH Library)
The UNH Library provides these Guidelines in order to avoid violating the rights of authors and publishers.
Type: Service
Learning Resources Library Resources
Value-Added Assessment: Accountability’s New Frontier (Value-Added Assessment Accountability’s New Frontier)
A policy paper advocating for value added assessment
Type: Report
Assessment and Feedback Summative Assessment, Value Added Assessment
Building Learning Objectives (University of California)
An open course on writing learning objectives.
Type: Course
Course Design Objectives
Formative Assessments in Canvas (Canvas Community)
Suggestions for using self-check quizzes; embedded questions in videos; flashcards, games, and interactive content; journaling; and student-created…
Assessment and Feedback Canvas (MyCourses), Formative Assessment, Reflective Journals
Peer Assessment (McGill University Teaching and Learning Services)
Resources for implementing peer assessment of other students’ assignments and peer assessment of contributions to teamwork. Includes example peer…
Type: Video
Assessment and Feedback, Teaching and Learning Strategies Collaborative Learning, Grading, Peer Assessment
Selecting Assessment Types (University of Florida)
Four steps to creating learner-centered assessments: identify purpose, identify learning levels, select assessments, and build assessments. Includes…
Type: Website
Assessment and Feedback Exam Alternatives, Formative Assessment, Summative Assessment
The Effect of Online Teaching on Faculty After Returning to the Traditional Classroom (University of West Georgia)
This study indicated that since participants have transitioned from online teaching to face-to-face teaching they have reduced their traditional…
Type: Article
Teaching Modality Face-to-Face, Online Courses
Sample Discussion Board Rubric (Purdue University)
A rubric used to grade online discussion at Purdue, with examples of its use.
Type: Website
Assessment and Feedback, Teaching and Learning Strategies Discussion, Grading, Rubrics and Checklists
Workload Estimator 2.0 (Wake Forest University Center for the Advancement of Teaching)
A tool for estimating student workload.
Type: Website
Course Design Lesson/Module Planning, Syllabus Design
How Much Should We Assign? Estimating Out of Class Workload (Rice University Center for Teaching Excellence)
A detailed guide for estimating out of class student workload with a link to Wake Forest University’s Enhanced Course Workload Estimator tool.
Type: Website
Course Design Lesson/Module Planning, Syllabus Design
Minds Online: Teaching Effectively with Technology (Miller, M.)
How cognitive science can help us shape and refine the ways in which we use technology to promote learning. Major topics addressed are: the…
Type: Book
Teaching and Learning Strategies, Teaching Modality Cognitively Based Learning Interventions, Hybrid (“Flipped Classroom”), HyFlex (Concurrent), Online Courses
Small Group Teaching: Tutorials, Seminars and Beyond (Exley, K. and Dennick, R.)
Theory-based practical advice on small group teaching and examples of practice across disciplines. Topics addressed: foundations and dynamics of …
Type: Book
Teaching and Learning Strategies Collaborative Learning
Optimizing Honor Codes for Online Exam Administration (Gurung, W.)
This study examined self-reported academic dishonesty at a midsize public university. Students rated the likelihood they would cheat after accepting…
Type: Article
Assessment and Feedback Academic Honesty
Honor Codes: Evidence Based Strategies for Improving Academic Integrity (Tatum, H. and Schwartz, B.)
This article discusses the predictors of cheating and how honor codes can provide the structure needed to reduce both the perception and prevalence…
Type: Article
Assessment and Feedback Academic Honesty
Fake News and Alternative Facts: Information Literacy in a Post-Truth Era (ALA Editions)
Topics include the rise of fake news, techniques to identify fake news, especially online; and methods to help library patrons think critically about…
Type: Book
Learning Resources Information Literacy
Effective Lecturing (W.E. Cashin)
A summary of the literature about how to improve the quality of lectures.
Type: Article
Teaching and Learning Strategies Active Learning, Face-to-Face
Making Lectures More Active (IUPUI)
Discusses the pros and cons of lectures and recommendations for more active lectures: ask students what they know or think about class content, learn…
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies Active Learning, Face-to-Face