
Resource Category Topic
Social Justice Educator Training | Community, Equity and Diversity (
A UNH workshop that provides training for UNH faculty, staff and graduate students in diversity awareness and social justice. The eight hour training…
Type: Website
Course Design Inclusive Teaching
White Guys on Campus: Racism, White Immunity, and the Myth of "Post-Racial" Higher Education (The American Campus) by Nolan Cabrera
One book as part of the18-book series titled "The American Campus," Nolan L. Cabrera's "White Guys on Campus" examines white…
Type: Book
Inclusive Teaching
How to Be An Antiracist by Ibram Kendi
This book's author presents a way to go beyond the awareness of racism in our society and to imagine how to form a more just and equitable…
Type: Book
Course Design Inclusive Teaching
On Being Included: Racism and Diversity in Institutional Life by Sarah Ahmed
This book is about how diversity is implemented in higher education. The author argues that diversity workers can change an institution by…
Type: Book
Course Design Accessibility, Inclusive Teaching
An Inclusive Academy: Achieving Diversity and Excellence by Abigail Stewart and Virginia Valian
In this book, the authors' argue that diversity and excellence can be achieved together. The authors provide a 'practical guide' for…
Type: Book
Course Design Inclusive Teaching
CEITL-Supported Events on Inclusive Pedagogy
CEITL-supported events (i.e., Talk About Teaching, January Workshops) and a self-paced open access course on Inclusive Teaching with information on…
Type: Reference
Course Design Accessibility, Inclusive Teaching
Faculty Guide to Supporting Students: Mental Health
Mental health awareness and support is important to the success of everyone in the UNH community. This resource has a few steps that faculty can take…
Type: Reference
Student Success
Connors Writing Center
The Connors Writing Center offers one-on-one writing conferences to current UNH undergraduate and graduate students, an Online Writing Lab, and…
Type: Service
Student Success
Psychological and Counseling Services (PACS)
Provides students with support and education for personal and academic success through a brief, solution-focused counseling model. Common concerns…
Type: Service
Student Success
Canvas: Faculty Guide - Using Turnitin's SimCheck assignment originality tool
Knowledge Base article describing the use of the Turnitin SimCheck application with Canvas to detect possible plagiarism.
Assessment and Feedback, Technologies for Teaching and Learning Academic Honesty, Canvas (MyCourses)
Using Turnitin with Canvas (Turnitin Guide)
Guide to using the Turnitin SimCheck application with Canvas to detect possible plagiarism.
Course Design, Student Success, Technologies for Teaching and Learning Academic Honesty, Canvas (MyCourses)
UNH Policy on Academic Honesty
This policy is included in the UNH Student Handbook.
Type: Policy
Assessment and Feedback, Course Design Academic Honesty, Syllabus Design
Google Jamboard is an interactive whiteboard application.
Technologies for Teaching and Learning Virtual Whiteboard
UNH Credit Hour Policy
The credit hour policy is described at the bottom of the page.
Type: Policy
Course Design Syllabus Design
Inclusivity Checklists (UNH Academic Technologies Instructional Design and Development)
Checklists to review course content, instructional practices, and interactions for inclusivity.
Type: Reference
Course Design, Learning Environment Accessibility, Inclusive Teaching
Inclusive Teaching (Brown University Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning)
This Brown University site includes definitions of inclusive teaching and guidelines for anti-racist teaching, inclusive mentoring, and inclusive…
Type: Website
Course Design, Learning Environment Accessibility, Inclusive Teaching
Mid-Course Assessment Program (MAP) (Center for Excellence and Innovation in Teaching and Learning)
The Center for Excellence and Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CEITL) coordinates a service by which faculty can receive feedback about their…
Type: Service
Assessment and Feedback, Course Design Formative Assessment
Box @ UNH
All Knowledge Base articles for Box.
Technologies for Teaching and Learning Cloud Storage and Sharing
Streaming Video (UNH Library)
Videostreamed films for UNH courses
Type: Service
Learning Resources Library Resources
Library Databases (UNH Library)
Access to all Library databases.
Type: Service
Learning Resources Library Resources