
Resource Category Topic
Career and Professional Success (CaPS) for Course Syllabi
The following information regarding Career and Professional Success (CaPS) services for students can be included on course syllabi.
Type: Service
Student Success Syllabus Design
Resource table for teaching students in quarantine/isolation
The PDF document contains a table with links and resources to help your students to keep up with course academics during COVID-Related Absences.
Type: Reference
Student Success, Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances
Center for Academic Resources (CFAR)
The UNH's CFAR website providing study skills and services to assist students succeed academically.
Type: Website
Student Success
UNH Remote Requests - SAS Practice and Policy
SAS Practice and Policy for students to request remote learning at UNH.
Type: Policy
Learning Environment, Learning Resources, Student Success, Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching Modality Accessibility
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Order Form (Blank)
An excel spreadsheet order form for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including pictures and descriptions.
Learning Environment, Learning Resources, Student Success, Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching Modality Accessibility, Face-to-Face, Teaching Modalities
University of New Hampshire Wildcat Community Pledge - Fall 2021
The University of New Hampshire Wildcat Community Pledge for Fall 2021 sets the behavioral expectations of those coming to any UNH campus (Durham,…
Course Design, Faculty Support and Development at UNH, Learning Environment, Learning Resources, Student Success, Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching and Learning Strategies, Teaching Modality, Technologies for Teaching and Learning Academic Honesty, Accessibility
2021-22 COVID (and non-COVID) Instructional Policies and Guidance
2021-22 COVID (and non-COVID) Instructional Policies and Guidance for classroom expectations and management and health and safety of the classroom.
Course Design, Faculty Support and Development at UNH, Learning Resources, Student Success, Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching Modality Academic Honesty, Accessibility, Face-to-Face, Online Courses, Syllabus Design, Teaching Modalities
2021-22 COVID-specific Academic Policies for UNH-Manchester
For Fall 2021 UNH-Manchester, this document contains COVID-specific and non-COVID-specific instructional guidance for classroom expectations and…
Type: Policy
Faculty Support and Development at UNH, Learning Resources, Student Success, Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching Modality Syllabus Design
R.42.30 – On Academic Syllabi
Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire unanimously passes Resolution R.42.30 – On Academic Syllabi, on March 28, 2021.
Type: Policy
Course Design, Student Success, Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching Modality Syllabus Design
UNH SAS Processes - Remote Requests
A Student Accessibility Services (SAS) guide for students to formally request remote learning as an accommodation through SAS.
Type: Reference
Learning Environment, Learning Resources, Student Success, Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching Modality Accessibility
UNH Faculty and Staff Helping Students in Distress Guide 2021-22
UNH is committed to supporting students in crisis, in distress, and/or in need of support. This guide has been developed to help faculty and staff…
Type: Reference
Student Success
Faculty Guide to Supporting Students: Mental Health
Mental health awareness and support is important to the success of everyone in the UNH community. This resource has a few steps that faculty can take…
Type: Reference
Student Success
Connors Writing Center
The Connors Writing Center offers one-on-one writing conferences to current UNH undergraduate and graduate students, an Online Writing Lab, and…
Type: Service
Student Success
Psychological and Counseling Services (PACS)
Provides students with support and education for personal and academic success through a brief, solution-focused counseling model. Common concerns…
Type: Service
Student Success
Using Turnitin with Canvas (Turnitin Guide)
Guide to using the Turnitin SimCheck application with Canvas to detect possible plagiarism.
Course Design, Student Success, Technologies for Teaching and Learning Academic Honesty, Canvas (MyCourses)
Creating Access: Strategies for Creating Inclusive and Accessible Classroom and Course Materials (UNH Student Accessibility Services)
Detailed explanation and resources for Print and Video Accessibility
Type: Website
Learning Environment, Student Success Accessibility
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) (Purdue University Repository for Online Teaching and Learning)
An introduction to UDL: What is it? Why is it Important? How to do it?
Type: Website
Learning Environment, Student Success Formative Assessment, Summative Assessment
The UDL Guidelines (CAST)
These Guidelines, a tool used in the implementation of UDL, can be applied to any discipline or domain.
Type: Website
Learning Environment, Student Success Accessibility, Inclusive Teaching
W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
The international standard for Web accessibility. They are the basis for many national accessibility laws, including Section 508 in the United States…
Type: Reference
Learning Environment, Student Success Accessibility, Website Creation
The Benefits of E-portfolios for Students and Faculty in Their Own Words (Association of American Colleges & Universities)
Faculty and student perspectives on the benefits of e-Portfolios.
Type: Website
Assessment and Feedback, Student Success ePortfolio, Exam Alternatives, Formative Assessment, Summative Assessment