
Resource Category Topic
UNH Guide to Using Generative AI Writing (10/31/2023)
"Simple Guide to Using Generative Artificial Intelligence Writing Tools in Research & Scholarship at UNH" (2023). Integrity in Research…
Faculty Support and Development at UNH, Technologies for Teaching and Learning Lesson/Module Planning
New England Faculty Development Consortium (NEFDC)
Link to the New England Faculty Development Consortium (
Faculty Support and Development at UNH
In Their Own Words: What Scholars and Teachers Want to Know About Why and How to Apply the Science of Learning in Your Academic Setting (C. E. Overson, C. M. Hakala, L. L. Kordonowy, V. A. Benassi, Eds.)
This edited book offers a comprehensive, although not exhaustive, examination of contemporary scholarship on the science of learning and its…
Type: Chapter
Teaching and Learning Strategies Cognitively Based Learning Interventions
Getting the Most from ChatGPT (March 2023)
Learning Development and Innovation's essay on ChatGPT.
Type: Report
Course Design, Faculty Support and Development at UNH, Learning Environment, Learning Resources, Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching and Learning Strategies, Teaching Modality, Technologies for Teaching and Learning Teaching Modalities
Career and Professional Success (CaPS) for Course Syllabi
The following information regarding Career and Professional Success (CaPS) services for students can be included on course syllabi.
Type: Service
Student Success Syllabus Design
Resource table for teaching students in quarantine/isolation
The PDF document contains a table with links and resources to help your students to keep up with course academics during COVID-Related Absences.
Type: Reference
Student Success, Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances
Center for Academic Resources (CFAR)
The UNH's CFAR website providing study skills and services to assist students succeed academically.
Type: Website
Student Success
UNH Remote Requests - SAS Practice and Policy
SAS Practice and Policy for students to request remote learning at UNH.
Type: Policy
Learning Environment, Learning Resources, Student Success, Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching Modality Accessibility
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Order Form (Blank)
An excel spreadsheet order form for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including pictures and descriptions.
Learning Environment, Learning Resources, Student Success, Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching Modality Accessibility, Face-to-Face, Teaching Modalities
University of New Hampshire Wildcat Community Pledge - Fall 2021
The University of New Hampshire Wildcat Community Pledge for Fall 2021 sets the behavioral expectations of those coming to any UNH campus (Durham,…
Course Design, Faculty Support and Development at UNH, Learning Environment, Learning Resources, Student Success, Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching and Learning Strategies, Teaching Modality, Technologies for Teaching and Learning Academic Honesty, Accessibility
2021-22 COVID (and non-COVID) Instructional Policies and Guidance
2021-22 COVID (and non-COVID) Instructional Policies and Guidance for classroom expectations and management and health and safety of the classroom.
Course Design, Faculty Support and Development at UNH, Learning Resources, Student Success, Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching Modality Academic Honesty, Accessibility, Face-to-Face, Online Courses, Syllabus Design, Teaching Modalities
2021-22 COVID-specific Academic Policies for UNH-Manchester
For Fall 2021 UNH-Manchester, this document contains COVID-specific and non-COVID-specific instructional guidance for classroom expectations and…
Type: Policy
Faculty Support and Development at UNH, Learning Resources, Student Success, Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching Modality Syllabus Design
COVID-specific Instructional Guidance & Recommended Syllabus Language
This document contains information about COVID-specific instructional guidelines for classroom expectations and management; health and safety…
Course Design, Learning Resources, Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching Modality Syllabus Design, Teaching Modalities
R.42.21– Implementing Wildcat Pass Checks In The Classroom
Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire Resolution unanimously passes Resolution R.42.21 – Implementing Wildcat Pass Checks In The…
Type: Policy
Learning Environment, Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances
R.42.29 – Regarding Putting Syllabi on Timeroom
Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire submitted for consideration the Resolution R.42.29 – Regarding Putting Syllabi on Timeroom on March…
Type: Policy
Course Design Syllabus Design
R.42.30 – On Academic Syllabi
Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire unanimously passes Resolution R.42.30 – On Academic Syllabi, on March 28, 2021.
Type: Policy
Course Design, Student Success, Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching Modality Syllabus Design
UNH SAS Processes - Remote Requests
A Student Accessibility Services (SAS) guide for students to formally request remote learning as an accommodation through SAS.
Type: Reference
Learning Environment, Learning Resources, Student Success, Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching Modality Accessibility
UNH Faculty and Staff Helping Students in Distress Guide 2021-22
UNH is committed to supporting students in crisis, in distress, and/or in need of support. This guide has been developed to help faculty and staff…
Type: Reference
Student Success
The Aulbani J. Beauregard Center for Equity, Freedom and Justice| Syllabi Review
The purpose of the syllabi review process is to provide faculty with a new, outsider perspective. The Center advocates for syllabi that utilize…
Type: Service
Course Design Inclusive Teaching
Academic Technology: Course on Inclusive Teaching
AT Instructional Design and Development created a self-paced course on Inclusive Teaching focusing on course content, teaching practices, and…
Type: Course
Course Design Inclusive Teaching