
Resource Category Topic
Team-based learning (Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching)
An overview of a team-based learning module, including group formation, out of class readings for preparation, in-class individual and group…
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies Active Learning, Authentic/Case/Project/Problem Based Learning, Collaborative Learning
Beyond Tests and Quizzes: Creative Assessments in The College Classroom (Mezeske, R. and Mezeske, B.)
Topics include: concept mapping, learning logs, authentic testing, the transition from memorization to analysis; the lab practical; exams as learning…
Type: Book
Assessment and Feedback Authentic/Case/Project/Problem Based Learning, Exam Alternatives, Formative Assessment, Summative Assessment
Learning To Solve Problems A Handbook for Designing Problem-Solving Learning Environments (Jonassen, D.)
A comprehensive review of problem solving research and practice, including six kinds of problems and the methods required to solve them; purposes or…
Type: Book
Teaching and Learning Strategies Authentic/Case/Project/Problem Based Learning, Cognitively Based Learning Interventions
Pioneering a New Way of Learning in a Complex and Complicated World (Michigan State University)
Rand Spiro makes the case for cognitive flexibility theory, case-based strategy for complex and ill-structured problems, requiring multiple…
Type: Article
Teaching and Learning Strategies Authentic/Case/Project/Problem Based Learning
Cognitive Flexibility Theory: Advanced Knowledge Acquisition in Ill-Structured Domains (Spiro, R. J., Coulson, R. L., Feltovich, P. J., & Anderson, D. K.)
This paper discusses some of the special characteristics of advanced learning of complex conceptual material, noting how these characteristics are…
Type: Article
Teaching and Learning Strategies Authentic/Case/Project/Problem Based Learning
Project-Based Learning: Teaching Guide (Boston University Center for Teaching & Learning)
Guidelines for implementing project-based learning.
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies Authentic/Case/Project/Problem Based Learning
Case-Based Learning (Yale University Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning)
Benefits of case-based learning; examples from science, medicine, public health, law, business, and humanities; and recommendations for finding,…
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies Authentic/Case/Project/Problem Based Learning
National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science
A collection of more than 830 peer-reviewed cases. (case studies)
Teaching and Learning Strategies Authentic/Case/Project/Problem Based Learning
Case Method Teaching and Learning (Columbia University Center for Teaching and Learning)
Includes faculty spotlights, descriptions of types of cases (directed, dilemma or decision, interrupted, and analysis or issue cases) and the…
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies Authentic/Case/Project/Problem Based Learning
Using Case Studies to Teach (Boston University Center for Teaching & Learning)
Discusses common case elements, advantages to use of case studies, guidelines for use, accompanying readings, leading the case discussion, and…
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies Authentic/Case/Project/Problem Based Learning
Alternatives to Traditional Exams and Papers (Indiana University Bloomington Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning)
An introduction to classroom assessment techniques (CATs) and a list of examples, including descriptions, suggestions for what to do with the data,…
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies Authentic/Case/Project/Problem Based Learning
Migrating Successful Student Engagement Strategies Online: Opportunities and Challenges Using Jigsaw Groups and Problem-Based Learning (Amador, J.A. and Mederer, H.)
Describes the transitioning of two common strategies to engage students in the classroom – jigsaw groups and problem based learning – from face-to-…
Type: Article
Teaching and Learning Strategies Active Learning, Authentic/Case/Project/Problem Based Learning, Collaborative Learning
Best Practices in Peer Assessment (Toronto Metropolitan University Centre for Teaching and Learning)
Reviews ways that alternative assessments, also known as authentic assessments, can be used to improve student learning.
Type: Website
Assessment and Feedback Authentic/Case/Project/Problem Based Learning, Exam Alternatives
Alternatives to Traditional Testing (Berkeley Center for Teaching & Learning)
Alternatives may be advantageous to promote student learning and be more authentic means of students demonstrating what they have learned at the…
Type: Website
Assessment and Feedback Authentic/Case/Project/Problem Based Learning, Exam Alternatives
Performing Assessment and Grading Online (Scott Kimball, Xuan Cai, Fran Keefe, Mike McIntire)
Presentation materials available on the topic of performing assessment and grading online.
Assessment and Feedback Academic Honesty, Authentic/Case/Project/Problem Based Learning
Team-Based Learning Collaborative
The Team-Based Learning Collaborative is an organization of educators from around the world who encourage and support the use of Team-Based Learning…
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies Active Learning, Authentic/Case/Project/Problem Based Learning, Collaborative Learning
Creation of Exercises for Team-Based Learning in Business (Timmerman, J.E. and and Morris, R.F., Jr.)
This paper reviews the concept of team-based learning as related to business, discusses the need for help in designing effective exercises, and…
Type: Article
Teaching and Learning Strategies Active Learning, Authentic/Case/Project/Problem Based Learning, Collaborative Learning
Team-based learning: Small-group learning’s next big step (Michaelsen, L.K.; Sweet, M.; and Parmelee, D. X.)
Essential elements of TBL, social foundation: students accountable to students, enhancing professional education with TBL, peer assessment and…
Type: Book
Teaching and Learning Strategies Active Learning, Authentic/Case/Project/Problem Based Learning, Collaborative Learning
The essential elements of team-based learning (Michaelsen, L.K. and Sweet, M.)
This chapter describes the building blocks of team‐based learning and the steps necessary to put them into place.
Teaching and Learning Strategies Active Learning, Authentic/Case/Project/Problem Based Learning, Collaborative Learning
The ABCs of Case Teaching (Golich, V.)
Anecdotal and empirical evidence of case teaching effectiveness, and practical suggestions to the uninitiated for how to get started.
Type: Article
Teaching and Learning Strategies Active Learning, Authentic/Case/Project/Problem Based Learning