
Resource Category Topic
Streaming Video (UNH Library)
Videostreamed films for UNH courses
Type: Service
Learning Resources Library Resources
Library Databases (UNH Library)
Access to all Library databases.
Type: Service
Learning Resources Library Resources
Course Reserves (UNH Library)
Course reserves are materials that faculty can request to be made available to their classes for limited circulation periods.
Type: Service
Learning Resources Library Resources
Library Reserves (UNH Library)
Books, CDs, DVDs, articles, book chapters, hardware, and even software can be put on reserve at any UNH Library location for limited circulation…
Type: Service
Learning Resources Library Resources
Library Research Guides (UNH Library)
Subject guides provide recommendations for finding articles, books, and background information. Course guides identify course-specific library…
Type: Service
Learning Resources Library Resources
Copyright Guidelines (UNH Library)
The UNH Library provides these Guidelines in order to avoid violating the rights of authors and publishers.
Type: Service
Learning Resources Library Resources
Citation Syles (UNH Library)
Guide to commonly-used citation styles.
Type: Reference
Learning Resources Academic Honesty, Library Resources
Alexander Street (via UNH Library)
A source of streaming media with the option of extracting clips (most videos include quality captions or transcripts).
Type: Video
Learning Resources Library Resources
Kanopy Streaming Media via UNH Library
A source of streaming media with the option of extracting clips (most videos include quality captions, else they can be requested directly from…
Type: Video
Learning Resources Library Resources
Introduction to the Online Library (Kathrine Aydelott)
Presentation materials available at: (Scroll to find presentation)
Learning Resources Library Resources
CEITL Talk about Teaching Presentations and session resources
Presentations on a range of topics
Faculty Support and Development at UNH, Teaching and Learning Strategies Active Learning, Cognitively Based Learning Interventions, Collaborative Learning, Feedback, Large Enrollment Classes, Library Resources, Online Courses
CEITL Talk about Teaching Presentations and session resources
Presentations on a range of topics.
Faculty Support and Development at UNH, Teaching and Learning Strategies Accessibility, Active Learning, Canvas (MyCourses), Classroom/Learning Assessment, Cognitively Based Learning Interventions, Library Resources, Online Labs, Open Educational Resources (OER)