Student Success

Resource Category Topic
Study Tips and Tools (UNH Center for Academic Resources--CFAR)
Study tips and tools, including time management and organization, exam preparation, note taking, and reading strategies.
Type: Service
Learning Resources, Student Success Study Skills
International Journal of ePortfolio
A journal to “encourage the study of practices and pedagogies associated with ePortfolio in educational settings.”
Type: Article
Assessment and Feedback, Student Success ePortfolio, Exam Alternatives, Formative Assessment, Summative Assessment
E-Portfolio (Berkeley Center for Teaching & Learning)
An overview of e-Portfolios, a sample rubric for evaluating e-portfolios, examples of e-Portfolios, and additional resources.
Type: Website
Assessment and Feedback, Student Success ePortfolio, Exam Alternatives, Formative Assessment, Summative Assessment
ePortfolios (Association of American Colleges & Universities)
Examples of ePortfolios for learning, assessment, and professional development and employment.
Type: Website
Assessment and Feedback, Student Success ePortfolio, Exam Alternatives, Formative Assessment, Summative Assessment
Creating Your e-Portfolio (UNH Career and Professional Success -- CaPS)
CaPS video tutorial provides guidance for building your own portfolio.
Type: Video
Assessment and Feedback, Student Success Exam Alternatives, Formative Assessment, Summative Assessment
Grant Wiggins - Understanding by Design (2 of 2)
Part 2 of a workshop on Understanding by Design (UbD), a framework for improving student achievement that helps teachers clarify learning goals,…
Type: Video
Course Design, Student Success Backward Design, Feedback, Formative Assessment, Summative Assessment
Grant Wiggins - Understanding by Design (1 of 2)
Part 1 of a workshop on Understanding by Design (UbD), a framework for improving student achievement that helps teachers clarify learning goals,…
Type: Video
Course Design, Student Success Backward Design
Student Accessibility Services
UNH Student Accessibility Services provides services to students who have permanent or temporary disabilities, including students with physical or…
Type: Website
Learning Environment, Student Success Accessibility
Accessibility: Creating Accessible Documents
Simple guidelines for creating accessible documents when using Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat, or other tools.
Learning Environment, Student Success Accessibility