
Resource Category Topic
phET Interactive Simulations (University of Colorado Boulder)
A free site with simulations in physics, chemistry, math, earth science, and biology.
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies Online Labs, STEM Courses
Ten Tips for Fostering Effective Online Discussions (Johns Hopkins University)
This resource includes information on integrated assessment, providing instructions/expectations, integrating research and citations in discussions,…
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies Active Learning, Discussion
What To Do When Class Discussion Stalls (Princeton University McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning)
Silence in the classroom can be disconcerting. This site presents eight simple tips for restarting the conversation.
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies Active Learning, Discussion
Discussion Boards: Valuable? Overused? Discuss. (Inside Higher Ed)
"instructors and students alike are growing tired of the discussion board formula,” this article describes “innovative approaches [that] point…
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies Active Learning, Discussion
Effective Classroom Discussions (William E. Cashin, professor emeritus, Kansas State University)
This paper discusses: (1) strengths and limitations of classroom discussion; (2) creating the expectation for student participation in discussion; (3…
Type: Article
Teaching and Learning Strategies Active Learning, Discussion
Making Good Use of Discussion Boards (The K. Patricia Cross Academy)
Tips for addressing the challenges of online discussion and for maximizing its advantages.
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies Active Learning, Discussion
Can You Save Time with Checklist Grading? (IDDblog , Center for Teaching and Learning at DePaul University)
Describes the advantages of rubrics and provides examples of rubrics used for paper assignments, projects, oral presentations, and class…
Type: Website
Assessment and Feedback Formative Assessment, Rubrics and Checklists, Summative Assessment
Best Practices for Large-Enrollment Online Courses, Part 3: Managing instructor-student communication and presence
Managing large enrollment classes online.
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies Online Courses
Best Practices for Large-Enrollment Online Courses, Part 2: Managing groups, peer review, and other peer-to-peer interactions (Arizona State University)
Managing large enrollment classes online.
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies Collaborative Learning, Online Courses
Best Practices for Large-Enrollment Online Courses, Part 1: Managing student expectations, leveraging quizzes, and reducing grading load (Arizona State University)
Managing large enrollment classes online.
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies Formative Assessment, Online Courses, Summative Assessment
Large Classes (Cornell University Center for Teaching Innovation)
Short activities providing opportunities for students to engage with the material in meaningful ways, for building community, and for reducing…
Type: Report
Teaching and Learning Strategies Active Learning, Large Enrollment Classes, Student Response Systems
Teaching Large Classes (Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching)
Strategies to help faculty manage challenge of teaching large classes: student engagement, grading, cheating, logistics, technology integration.
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies Active Learning
Teaching LARGE Classes (University of Texas at Austin Faculty Innovation Center)
Suggestions for managing and building active learning opportunities into large classes and for supporting teaching assistants.
Type: Video
Teaching and Learning Strategies Active Learning, Classroom Response Systems
Strategies for Teaching Large Classes (The Teaching Professor)
Alternative teaching and course management techniques to get students actively involved in large classes while keeping the faculty workload…
Type: Report
Teaching and Learning Strategies Active Learning
Learning Objectives Builder (Arizona State University)
This tool guides faculty in step-by-step fashion to build effective learning objectives at all levels of the revised Bloom’s taxonomy for the…
Type: Tool
Course Design Objectives
Tips on Writing Course Goals/Learning Outcomes and Measurable Learning Objectives (Iowa State University)
A brief primer on writing good learning objectives.
Type: Website
Course Design Objectives
International Journal of ePortfolio
A journal to “encourage the study of practices and pedagogies associated with ePortfolio in educational settings.”
Type: Article
Assessment and Feedback, Student Success ePortfolio, Exam Alternatives, Formative Assessment, Summative Assessment
E-Portfolio (Berkeley Center for Teaching & Learning)
An overview of e-Portfolios, a sample rubric for evaluating e-portfolios, examples of e-Portfolios, and additional resources.
Type: Website
Assessment and Feedback, Student Success ePortfolio, Exam Alternatives, Formative Assessment, Summative Assessment
ePortfolios (Association of American Colleges & Universities)
Examples of ePortfolios for learning, assessment, and professional development and employment.
Type: Website
Assessment and Feedback, Student Success ePortfolio, Exam Alternatives, Formative Assessment, Summative Assessment
Creating Your e-Portfolio (UNH Career and Professional Success -- CaPS)
CaPS video tutorial provides guidance for building your own portfolio.
Type: Video
Assessment and Feedback, Student Success Exam Alternatives, Formative Assessment, Summative Assessment