
Resource Category Topic
Students as Learners, not Spectators: Using Presentation Software Better (University of Notre Dame)
Suggestions for how instructors can use presentation tools to promote active learning.
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies, Technologies for Teaching and Learning Active Learning, Cognitively Based Learning Interventions, Presentation Tools
Teaching Online with Zoom
The features of Zoom include: Screen sharing, breakout rooms, whiteboards, live surveys and polls, application sharing, synchronized web browsing,…
Teaching and Learning Strategies Active Learning, Classroom/Learning Assessment, Collaborative Learning, HyFlex (Concurrent), Online Courses, Presentation Tools, Student Response Systems, Virtual Whiteboard, Web Conferencing, Zoom
Death by PowerPoint (Duke University Center for Instructional Technology)
Three principles for designing and presenting presentations.
Type: Article
Teaching and Learning Strategies Cognitively Based Learning Interventions, Presentation Tools
Twine is an open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories.
Technologies for Teaching and Learning Presentation Tools
Adobe Spark Getting Started and Support
Create social graphics, web pages, and short videos.
Technologies for Teaching and Learning Presentation Tools
Prezi Support
Rather than a slide-based approach, Prezi uses a canvas-based approach, with one large canvas that your presentation moves around on, zooming in and…
Technologies for Teaching and Learning Presentation Tools
Prezi Getting Started
Rather than a slide-based approach, Prezi uses a canvas-based approach, with one large canvas that your presentation moves around on, zooming in and…
Technologies for Teaching and Learning Presentation Tools
A tool for creating interactive presentations and meetings using live polls, quizzes, word clouds, Q&As and more.
Technologies for Teaching and Learning Classroom/Learning Assessment, Presentation Tools, Student Response Systems
Microsoft PowerPoint Support
The standard presentation software supported by UNH, part of Microsoft Office.
Technologies for Teaching and Learning Presentation Tools
Principles of Multimedia Learning (Wiley Education Resources)
Introduces the cognitive psychology foundation upon which Mayer’s multimedia learning principles are built and then summarizes each principle. 
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies Cognitively Based Learning Interventions, Presentation Tools
Multimedia learning (Mayer, R.E.)
Mayer’s 12 principles of multimedia instructional design organized into three sections - reducing extraneous processing, managing essential…
Type: Book
Teaching and Learning Strategies Cognitively Based Learning Interventions, Presentation Tools
Effects of embedded questions in recorded lectures (van der Meij, H. and Bӧckmann, L.)
Investigation of the effectiveness of open-ended embedded questions in pre-recorded lectures used in “flipped” classes. Open-ended embedded questions…
Type: Article
Teaching and Learning Strategies Cognitively Based Learning Interventions, Presentation Tools
Applying multimedia principles to slide shows for academic presentation (Overson, C.)
Findings from two studies in undergraduate courses conclude that designing slides consistent with Mayer’s cognitive principles of multimedia learning…
Type: Chapter
Teaching and Learning Strategies Cognitively Based Learning Interventions, Presentation Tools