Recent Stories

  • Two researchers stand in front of a red robot
    - CoRE Strength
    For five years, UNH's CoRE program has jump-started interdisciplinary collaborations. Read More
  • Dr. Kristen Johnson, right, working in the lab with students
    - Mentor Highlights: Dr. Kristen Johnson
    Kristen Johnson, assistant professor of biotechnology at UNH Manchester, was recently featured in Inquiry, the annual undergraduate research journal of UNH. Read More
  • Jared O'Connell '22, a UNH Manchester senior in the computer science program
    - Networking for Success
    For Jared O'Connell '22, networking opportunities were key in turning a software engineering internship into a full-time role. Read More
  • Kalle Matso smiles in the sunlight.
    - Prepping for New Leadership
    Kalle Matso has been selected as the next director for the Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership.  Read More
  • Chanda Prescod-Weinstein looks at the camera in front of a painting
    - Literary Luminary
    The LA Times Book Prize in science and technology went to Chanda Prescod-Weinstein for "The Disordered Cosmos." Read More
  • Campus aerial photo in fall
    - Getting SMART
    Six University of New Hampshire students have been awarded Science, Math and Research for Transformation (SMART) scholarships from the Department of Defense, the largest number of... Read More
  • Two people stand on a tall metal tower above a forest canopy.
    - Plant Nutrient Declines
    A new study indicates that nitrogen levels in terrestrial ecosystems are declining in some regions of the world.  Read More
  • Underwater image of SCUBA diver and coral and sponges
    - Genomic Time Machine
    Looking at the microbiome of sponges, UNH researchers have developed a “genomic time machine” that could predict aspects of coral reef and ocean ecosystems through hundreds of... Read More
  • Man in striped shirt crouches in snow next to monitoring equipment
    - FOSTERing Building Safety
    UNHInnovation's FOSTER training program helped NH company 2KR Systems secure a National Science Foundation grant. Read More
  • Female student pushes a GPS cart across a beach in winter
    - Research Snapshot: Beach Bombs
    UNH researchers measure the shifting sands of N.H. beaches to understand where unexploded ordnances may be hiding. Read More