Space Science Center

Recent Stories

  • map of US showing where UNH faculty will be watching total eclipse
    - Chasing the Moon
    UNH faculty are traveling to what's known as the path of totality to witness the Aug. 21 eclipse. Find out where they're going. Read More
  • Image of a total solar eclipse
    - We’re All Heliophysicists
      Nathan Schwadron, professor of physics in the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space. Learn more about Schwadron's research in this video. (Photo: Jacob Withee,... Read More
  • NASA's WIND spacecraft
    - Predicting Space Weather
    A UNH researcher has identified key differences in solar wind models. Read More
  • Space Science at UNH
    - Research on the Edge: Space Science
    The first data from NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale mission (MMS), launched in 2015 with nearly half of its scientific instruments coordinated or built by UNH, were published in... Read More
  • Trappist solar system
    - Spaced Out
    “Astronomy compels the soul to look upward and leads us from this world to another.”       —Plato, The Republic, 342 BCE Last week, when NASA announced the discovery of seven new... Read More
  • a black hole eating a dying star
    - Feeding Frenzy
    A giant black hole ripped apart a nearby star and then continued to feed off its remains for close to a decade, according to research led by UNH. This black hole meal is more than... Read More
  • NASA rocket with UNH-built instruments on board
    - How's the Weather in Space?
    Rocket with instruments designed by UNH researchers blasted into space Nov. 19 (Photo: NASA) State-of-the-art space weather instrumentation developed by researchers at the UNH’s... Read More
  • UNH EOS director Harlan Spence
    - UCAR Board
    Harlan Spence has been elected to serve as a member of the board of trustees of the UCAR. Read More
  • UNH instrument used on NASA MMS satellite
    - Magnetic Mysteries, Decoded
    A NASA rocket carrying instruments developed by scientists, engineers and students from UNH’s Space Science Center (SSC) has obtained the first-ever data of an elusive phenomenon... Read More
  • Illustration of satellites circling the Earth
    - Magnetic Reconnection
    On October 16, 2015, dozens of UNH scientists, space physics researchers, engineers and students made history. Read More