Space Science Center

Recent Stories

  • A gamma ray burst aimed at the LEAP space instrument.
    - A Leap into Space
    Researchers from the UNH Space Science Center are taking new steps to study gamma-ray bursts in the far reaches of the universe, thanks to a $500,000 grant from NASA. Read More
  • Terry Forbes
    - Stellar Fellow
    Terry Forbes, UNH professor emeritus of physics, has been selected as a Legacy Fellow of the American Astronomical Society (AAS). Read More
  • Illustration of the Parker Solar Probe near the sun.
    - Close Encounters
    UNH researchers are gaining a flurry of insights about the activity coming from our closest star. Read More
  • Illustration of Solar Orbiter near the sun.
    - Leading Light
    The University of New Hampshire is heading to the sun with the new Solar Orbiter mission. Read More
  • UNH space physics professor Noe Lugaz
    - Space Weather Editor
    Noé Lugaz, research associate professor of physics and astronomy, is the new editor-in-chief of the journal Space Weather,. Read More
  • Looking Northward
    - Looking Northward
    The University of New Hampshire has joined the University of the Arctic, marking an official pledge to continue and expand on its polar expertise. Read More
  • NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine and U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen visited UNH to meet with faculty members and students
    - NASA Lands at UNH
    NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine and U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen meet with faculty members and students working on space science projects.   Read More
  • Toni Galvin and Joe Dwyer.
    - Space Fellows
    Two UNH researchers are recognized for their contributions to space science. Read More
  • Illustration of Parker Solar Probe as it approaches the sun.
    - Bright Minds
    Students work behind the scenes on NASA's Parker Solar Probe mission. Read More
  • A satellite image of the Gulf of Mexico
    - A Glimmer of Oceanic Hope
    In what’s being hailed as the largest single research contract ever awarded to UNH by NASA, researchers will receive $107.9 million to develop a space-based instrument to study... Read More