Adopted by the Discovery Committee of the Faculty Senate - May 19, 2021
Rationale: We have adopted several new syllabus elements requested by our NECHE (The New England Commission of Higher Education) Accreditation Team in order to ensure we are in compliance with national standards. These include clear indication of the Discovery category, Discovery attributes, (i.e. Inquiry and/or Writing Intensive) and “measurable” SLOs (Student Learning Outcomes) fulfilled by the course, the credit-hour work expectations of the class, and a mechanism for assessment of how well the course delivers the promised SLOs and fulfills the mission of the Discovery Program as a whole. (An Accreditation and Assessment sub-committee is currently working to develop such an assessment method.) We understand that for some colleagues this will feel like an unfamiliar innovation. Moving forward, however, new Discovery syllabi will need to conform to the NECHE expectations. The Discovery Office will work to support faculty as they navigate these new requirements and we are hopeful that, before long, they will become second nature.
Please see Syllabus Guidance from the Office of the Provost for additional information.
- Discovery Academic Requirements [category and/or attributes] such as HP, ETS, INQ, WI, Honors, etc.
- Term Start and End Dates: (e.g. 8/30/21 - 12/13/21)
- Day/Time/Location/Modality:
- Number of credits
- Instructor Name:
- Instructor Email:
- Instructor Office Hours & Zoom link: (if applicable)
- Course prerequisites: (if applicable)
- In broad strokes, explain the key topics of this course and the instructional methodology. Outline what is expected of students and how the learning will be accomplished.
List the books or link to the Book List here.
Contextualize your class for students who wonder: “What is Discovery and why do I have to take this course?”
SAMPLE Language: The faculty aspires for students to contextualize their major fields of study within the broader contexts of the world’s challenges and opportunities. The Discovery Program, UNH’s undergraduate core curriculum, supports that outcome by ensuring that as part of their bachelor’s degrees, all students understand and explore a breadth of disciplinary content areas.
View the Discovery SLOs. Find the Discovery category of your course and bullet the SLOs that will be achieved in your class.
Refer to Writing Intensive Course Guidelines, if applicable.
Additional Course Learning Objectives
Add your personalized learning objectives:
- A. (e.g. Students will learn to analyze literary texts.)
- B.
- C.
SAMPLE language: This syllabus reflects the federal definition of a credit hour, which entails a minimum 3 hours of engaged time per week per credit over a 15-week semester. Examples of engaged time include class time, assignments, examinations, laboratories, participation in course-related experiences (attending a talk or performance, speakers and events, fieldwork, etc.), conferences, and office hours. Student work reflects intended learning outcomes and is verified through evidence of student achievement. For more information, please see NECHE's Policy on Credits and Degrees.
- Clearly indicate the % grade for each assignment, adding up to 100%.
- Also indicate lateness, class participation, etiquette, cellphone, and other policies that may impact a student’s grade indirectly.
Detailed course schedule or grid, for example a short list of what students really need to know such as due dates, reading assignments, expectations, etc. showing what is to be covered each class and specifying assignments students must complete. Below is an example grid but other similarly detailed formats are acceptable. SAS may request some modification to accommodate the needs of individual students.
Week or Module | Date | Topics Covered | Assignments and Due Dates |
One | June 21-June 28 |
Topic One Topic Two |
Two |
etc. |
See sample syllabi linked below.
* Note: This syllabus is subject to change. Students will be promptly notified of any modifications.
The University requires the Disability Accommodations and Academic Honesty statements. Many faculty also choose to include additional statements and resources, such as those listed below:
- University Disability Accommodations language: “The University is committed to providing students with documented disabilities equal access to all university programs and facilities. If you think you have a disability requiring accommodations, you must register with Student Accessibility Services (SAS). You can reach SAS by phone at (603) 862-2607. Please follow up with me privately so that we can review those accommodations.”
- Academic Honesty language: Sample: Students are required to abide by the UNH Academic Honesty policy located in the Student Rights, Rules, and Responsibilities Handbook. Incidents of cheating are reported to the school dean and may be grounds for further action. If you have questions about proper citation refer to your department’s guidelines or contact me at any time on this issue.
- Course Platform: myCourses (also known as Canvas) is the learning management tool we use for this course. You will need to access the course Canvas site on a regular basis throughout course in order to access important materials and announcements relevant to the course. Information on Canvas and helpful tips may be accessed through this webpage.
- Technical Support: For technical assistance please call (603) 862-2525 or go to:
- Emotional or Mental Health: Your academic success in this course is very important to me. If, during the semester, you find emotional or mental health issues are affecting that success, please contact Psychological and Counseling Services (PACS) (3rd fl., Smith Hall; 603 862-2090/TTY: 7-1-1) which provides counseling appointments and other mental health services.
- Center for Academic Resources (CFAR)
- Sexual Harassment & Rape Prevention Program (SHARPP)
- Incident Report Form
- UNH Statement on Diversity
Sample Course Proposal Documents
Sample Course Approval - Complete Submission
ITAL 444C Feelings: A Cultural History
Faculty Member Name: Anna Wainwright
Department: Classics, Humanities, and Italian Studies
Discovery Course Proposal Documents: ITAL 444C Feelings: A Cultural History
Fulfills Discovery: Humanities, Inquiry & Writing Intensive (HUMA, INQ, WI)
Sample Syllabus - Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
OT 513 Stressed Out: The Science and Nature of Human Stress
Faculty Member Name: Barbara Prudhomme White
Department: Occupational Therapy
Syllabus: OT 513 Stressed Out: The Science and Nature of Human Stress
Fulfills Discovery: Biological Science & Discovery Lab (BS, DLAB)
Sample Syllabus - Category
SOC 565 Environment and Society
Faculty Member Name: Cliff Brown
Department: Sociology
Syllabus: SOC 565 Environment and Society
Fulfills Discovery: Environment, Technology & Society (ETS)
Sample Syllabus - Online Course
FREN 503 Intermediate French I (Online)
Faculty Member Name: Emilie Talpin
Department: French (Languages, Literatures, & Cultures)
Syllabus: FREN 503 Intermediate French I
Fulfills Discovery: World Cultures (WC)