The high speed of broadband and rapid technological innovation of devices and networks have created networks of machines, networks of networks and “what if” kinds of ubiquitous intelligence like driverless cars and connected highways, intelligent cities, smart campuses, and telemedicine.
Broadband technology, applications and capabilities generate a lot of interest these days not only in New Hampshire but through the US and around the globe. And this broadband involvement is arising not only from scientists and media but also from engineers, think tanks and government, entrepreneurs and others.
BCoE provides these audiences a central point for exchanging unbiased information through reports and other publications.

BcoE and the UNH broadband community stoke the process of scientific research with a goal of helping achieve smart campuses, intelligent cities, connected highways and vehicles, and advances in telemedicine. It also can be expected that an entity like BCoE, as a privately funded part of that university and with its unique goal of facilitating collaborative work, will channel volumes of research through its own laboratories and field trials.
After all, the work on expanding broadband wireless technologies, smart campuses and other smart projects of the 21st Century warrants study in order to accelerate economic growth and to improve quality of life for all citizens.

Research Projects
TV White Space
Major figures in the Internet economy have high hopes to use TV White Space (TVWS) frequencies to deliver wireless broadband Internet connectivity over long distances and extended areas.
Smart Campus Smart City
Internet of Things (IoT) via Broadband will enable smart campus and smart cities for the first time in 21st century.
Market Data
Broadband market data for the U.S. and beyond.
Explore data archived by year.