
Resource Year Topic Type
The prevalence of child sexual abuse with online sexual abuse added
This article addresses the topic of when Online Abuse is added, overall sexual abuse rate rises to 32% for girls and 11% for boys.
2024 Sexual Abuse, Technology/Internet Victimization Paper
Current Information on the Scope and Nature of Child Sexual Abuse
Finkelhor, D. The Future of Children, 4(2): 31-53. (VS75)
1994 Sexual Abuse Paper
Nonsexual Assaults to the Genitals in the Youth Population
David Finkelhor and Janis Wolak, The Journal of the American Medical Association, 274 (21):1692-1697. (CV12)
1995 Sexual Abuse Paper
Research on the Treatment of Sexually Abused Children
Berliner, L. and Finkelhor, D., Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 34(11):1408-1423. (VS80)
1995 Sexual Abuse Paper
Sexually Abused Children in a National Survey of Parents: Methodological Issues
Finkelhor,D., Hamby,S.L.,Moore,D.and Straus, M.A. Child Abuse & Neglect, 21(1):1-9. (VS81)
1997 Sexual Abuse Paper
Crimes Against Children by Babysitters
Finkelhor, D. and Ormrod, D. Juvenile Justice Bulletin – NCJ189102 (pgs. 1-7). (CV41)
2001 General Child Victimization, Sexual Abuse, Statistics Paper
Commentary: The Legacy of the Clergy Abuse Scandal
Finkelhor, D. Child Abuse & Neglect, 27: 1225-1229. (CV68)
2003 Sexual Abuse Paper
Statutory Sex Crime Relationships between Juveniles and Adults: A Review of Social Scientific Research
Hines, D., and Finkelhor, D. Aggression & Violent Behavior, 12: 300-314 (CV150)
2007 Sexual Abuse Paper
The Prevention of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Finkelhor, D. The Future of Children, 19(2): 169-194. (CV192)
2009 Prevention, Sexual Abuse Paper
Juveniles who Commit Sex Crimes against Minors
Finkelhor, D., Ormrod, R. and Jones, L. Juvenile Justice Bulletin. Order (CV171)
2009 Sexual Abuse Paper
The lifetime prevalence of child sexual abuse and sexual assault assessed in late adolescence
Finkelhor, D., Shattuck, M.A., Turner, H.A., & Hamby, S.L. Journal of Child and Adolescent Health, 55 (2014): 329-333.(CV303)
2014 Sexual Abuse Paper
Sexual abuse and assault in a large national sample of children and adolescents
Gewirtz-Meydan, A., & Finkelhor, D. Child Maltreatment, online first, 1-12. doi:10.1177/1077559519873975 (CV365)
2019 Sexual Abuse Paper
Why have Child Maltreatment and Child Victimization Declined
Finkelhor D., and Jones, L. Journal of Social Issues, 62(4): 685-716.
2006 Sexual Abuse, Trends In Child Victimization Paper
The Decline in Sexual Abuse Cases
Finkelhor, D. and Jones, L. Juvenile Justice Bulletin -- NCJ184741 (pgs. 1-12). Order #CV39
2001 Sexual Abuse, Trends In Child Victimization Paper
Why is Sexual Abuse Declining? A Survey of State Child Protection Administration
Finkelhor, D., Jones, L. and Kopiec, K. Child Abuse & Neglect, 25(9): 1139-1158. Order #CV44
2001 Sexual Abuse, Trends In Child Victimization Paper
Explanations for the Decline in Child Sexual Abuse Cases
Finkelhor, D. and Jones, L. Juvenile Justice Bulletin -- NCJ199298 (pgs. 1-12). Order #CV58
2004 Sexual Abuse, Trends In Child Victimization Paper
Child Maltreatment Trends in the 1990's: Why Does Neglect Differ from Physical and Sexual Abuse?
Finkelhor D., Halter, S., and Jones, L. Child Maltreatment, 11(2): 107-120. Order #CV110
2006 Sexual Abuse, Trends In Child Victimization Paper
The complex experience of child pornography survivors
Gewirtz-Meydan, A., Walsh, W., Wolak, J., & Finkelhor, D. Child Abuse & Neglect, 80, 238-248. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2018.03.031 (CV364)
2018 Impacts of Child Victimization, Sexual Abuse Paper
Have sexual abuse and physical abuse declined since the 1990s?
Finkelhor, D. & Jones, L. Durham, NH: Crimes against Children Research Center. (CV267)
2012 Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Trends In Child Victimization Paper
Evaluating children's advocacy centers' response to child sexual abuse.
Cross, T.P., Jones, L.M., Walsh, W.A., Simone, M., Kolko, D.J., Szczepanski, J., Lippert, T., Davison, K., Cryns, A., Sosnowski, P., Shadoin, A., and…
2008 Child Advocacy Centers, Multi-Site Evaluation of Children's Advocacy Centers (CACs), Sexual Abuse Paper