Academic Support & Tutoring

Exam prep

As a TRIO Scholar, you will have access to resources that you can use to succeed academically.

Content Tutoring

All UNH students have access to Knack, which offers free subject-area tutoring for all classes at UNH. Knack tutors are UNH students who have already taken a class and succeeded in it. With Knack, you can meet as many times as you need throughout a semester by setting up recurring appointments.

In addition, as a TRIO Scholar you may be able to access TRIO Scholar Tutors for free if Knack is not working for you. TRIO Scholar tutors have also taken and succeeded in the classes they tutor, and you will work with them throughout the semester to ensure your continued success in a class.

Interested in becoming a Tutor?

For more information, contact Christine Zaimes, TRIO/SSS Tutor Coordinator or click on the links below.

Tutor Job Description

Tutor Application

Tutor Recommendation Form

Study Groups

Study groups are facilitated by TRIO Scholar Tutors and are a place you can go to work with students in the same class as you to understand and master content. Check the calendar on Canvas for a full study group schedule.

Study Skills

All UNH students have access to CFAR’s Academic Mentors, who are fellow undergraduate students that can work with you to develop or refine study skills, organization techniques, time management, problem solving, and more. You can make an appointment with an Academic Mentor, or talk to your Educational Counselor to learn more. 

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Questions? TRIO Scholars would be happy to help.