Paul College Academic Resources

Many of the first-year and sophomore-level courses require deliberate practice to be successful.  We've assembled resources for economics (ECON 401 and ECON 402), financial accounting (ADMN 502), and math for business applications (MATH 422).

In addition to these resources, CFAR has a number of peer Academic Mentors with economics and quantitative problem-solving experience.  Make an appointment today!  And, don't sleep on the Math Center.

Math Center 

Paul College also sponsors peer teaching assistant sessions for classes like:

  • Economics (ECON 401 and ECON 402)
  • Accounting (ADMN 502 and ADMN 503)
  • Management information systems (ADMN 410)
  • Computing essentials (ADMN 403)
  • Business statistics (ADMN 510)

Paul College Teaching Assistant Schedule

  • Click on the hyperlinked resource
  • Mouse to the upper, right-hand corner
  • Click on the three dots
  • Select "Download"

Picture of how to download resources

MATH 422 Learning Cycle

Resources to supplement and complement what you're learning in class