Educational Counselors

Educational Counselors are professional staff members who mentor and coach students through all academic and personal issues impacting their UNH experience. We know the written and unwritten rules of the campus,  faculty expectations, and how to guide students through all possible situations.  If you are looking for someone to help you create and reach your academic and personal goals, set up a meeting with one of us! Check out our bios below.

picture of Dani

Daniela Adler

Director of CFAR

(603) 862-3688

I helped to create CFAR while a senior and I am still here because I am passionate about mentoring students. College is a transitional time and I value the opportunity to play a part in your UNH experience. I work with all students but have expertise in working with students with disabilities

picture of Pattie

Pattie McNamara

Educational Counselor

(603) 862-1115 

I loved my role as an Academic Mentor when I was a student at UNH. It’s great to be back as an Educational Counselor and working with students from a different perspective, especially within the sciences. I really enjoy helping students discover time management and study strategies that work best for them so they can spend more time exploring what UNH has to offer!

picture of Lauren

Lauren Cunningham

Educational Counselor

(603) 862-0143

Being a CFAR Educational Counselor allows me to work with students and enjoy a front row seat while they navigate UNH.  I love getting to know Wildcats and their stories and partnering with them to find a path  or approach that works. I coach students in all majors but am very familiar with Paul College courses and classes in Liberal Arts.

Sam Mellert

Administrative Assistant

(603) 862-3698

Being the CFAR administrative assistant has provided me the opportunity to interact with students of all ages, backgrounds, and current situations. I wear several hats in this role, but the most important one I wear is in helping students get connected to all of the wonderful people and resources we have at UNH, including our CFAR counselors and mentors! Being a graduate student at UNH myself, I value the opportunity to play a role in your UNH experience. I welcome any and all questions - CFAR related or not - my door is always open!