The central leadership of the Student Activity Fee Committee is steered by the SAFC Executive Board, which is composed of the SAFC Chairperson, the SAF Chief Financial Officer (CFO), the SAF Recognized Student Organization Fund (RSO Fund) Director, the SAF Outreach Coordinator, and the Student Senate Speaker. Additionally, two members of the University Administration, the Student Organization Success Coordinator, and the SAF Financial Consultant sit as staff advisors to the otherwise student-led board.
The office of the SAFC Executive Board is located in MUB 119A. Meetings of the SAFC Executive Board are open to the public. The SAFC Executive Board meets on Thursdays from 5:00PM to 6:30PM in MUB 117.
The SAFC Chairperson also serves as an Officer of the Student Senate.
Ria Talwar
Office Hours:
Tuesday 2:00PM - 3:30PM
Thursday 2:00PM-5:00PM
By appointment
Genevieve Cannon
Chief Financial Officer
Office Hours:
Monday 11:00AM-1:00PM
Wednesday 11:00AM-1:00PM
By appointment
Kara Cataldo
Recognized Student Organization Director
Office Hours:
Monday 1:00PM-3:00PM
Wednesday 1:00PM-3:00PM
By appointment
Shay Gillis
Outreach Coordinator
Office Hours:
Monday 1:00PM-3:00PM
Tuesday 2:30-4:30PM
By appointment
Student Leaders

Ria Talwar
SAFC Chairperson
The Chairperson of the Student Activity Fee Committee (SAFC) is the official spokesperson of SAFC, and often acts as the primary authority on all Student Activity Fee matters within and outside of the Student Senate. The SAFC Chairperson chairs all meetings of the committee, as well as those of the SAFC Executive Board. In this latter capacity, the SAFC Chairperson directly oversees and manages the SAF Chief Financial Officer, the SAF ORF Director, and the SAF Outreach Coordinator. The SAFC Chairperson is also wholly responsible for the proper management of the Budgets and Concepts process, acting as the central coordinator between current and applicant Student Activity Fee Organizations and the Student Senate, as well assisting the SAF CFO in the overall allocation of the Student Activity Fee for the following fiscal year.
Gennie Cannon

SAFC Chief Financial Officer
The Student Activity Fee (SAF) Chief Financial Officer is the primary point of contact between Student Activity Fee Organizations (SAFOs) and the Student Activity Fee Committee. They are also more broadly charged with fulfilling the majority of the committee's financial and organizational needs. The CFO is responsible for properly utilizing the SAF and ensures no organizations spend beyond what is allocated to them through the budget approval process. The CFO works with organizations each year to craft their budgets for the next year and provides a recommended budget for each organization to the Committee. Since the Chairperson cannot have an opinion during Committee meetings, the CFO is the primary voice of the Executive Board and guides decision-making within the body.
Kara Cataldo

SAFC Recognized Student Organization Director
The Student Activity Fee (SAF) Recognized Student Organization Fund (RSO Fund) Director is the primary point of contact for the more than 200 registered student organizations at UNH. The RSO Fund Director assists student organizations through the proposal and post-programming report process of the Student Activity Fee Committee. Every piece of RSO business is accepted and documented by the RSO Fund Director before it makes its way to the Committee. They are also tasked with overseeing the utilization of the RSO Fund, the very pool of money that enables this programming.

Shay Gillis
SAFC Outreach Coordinator
The Student Activity Fee (SAF) Outreach Coordinator is the chief public relations coordinator for the Student Activity Fee Committee. The SAF Outreach Coordinator is charged with publicizing SAF funding opportunities to all student organizations and educating the student body on the use of their SAF in general. Amongst other responsibilities, the Outreach Coordinator is specifically charged with maintaining the SAFC portion of the Student Senate website, updating the SAFC social media accounts, advertising to fill vacancies in the committee, and personnel management and training.

Molly Tyle
Student Senate Speaker
The Speaker of the Student Senate is the sole spokesperson and leader of the internal structure of the Student Senate. The Speaker oversees and appoints the Officers of the Student Senate, and sits on the Student Activity Fee Committee (SAFC) Executive Board. They chair all meetings of the Student Senate, and are also the chairperson of the Election Committee and the SAFC Appeals Boad. They are ex-officio members of all councils and committees of the Student Senate, and work to convey resolutions passed by the Student Senate to the Administration or other interested parties.
Due to the importance and need for such a position to be unbiased, the Speaker is required to be largely non-partisan in Student Senate business. The Speaker is the only student member of the SAFC Executive Board that does not have voting power.
Professional Staff
Matthew Clarke

SAF Financial Consultant
Office: 323C
Unlike the other professional staff member on the Committee, the SAF Financial Consultant is hired by the SAFC Executive Board and paid the entirety of their salary by the Student Activity Fee in order to provide financial services and consultation to Student Activity Fee Organizations, the Student Activity Fee Committee, and other student organizations.
For more information, please visit the Memorial Union website.

Joey Cote
Student Organization Success Leader
Office: 323B
The Coordinator of Student Organizations & Leadership is a professional staff member of the Memorial Union Building that plays an active role in student involvement on campus. The Coordinator oversees the approval process for newly recognized student organizations and acts as a general consultant for existing groups. They also are charged with orchestrating leadership exercises throughout the academic year for student leaders.
For more information, please visit the Memorial Union website.