LDI Teaching & Learning Courses

Fundamentals of Online Instruction – Asynchronous

Register at: https://at-training.unh.edu/apps/ssr?action=course&id=306

A three-week asynchronous online course for UNH faculty who will be developing and teaching an online course for the first time. The coursework leads to development of the course curriculum and the introductory module of your course. It also gives you the experience of taking an online course as a student. 3-4 hours per week for three weeks.

Fundamentals of Online Delivery – Asynchronous

Register at: https://at-training.unh.edu/apps/ssr?action=course&id=307

A short, two-week online course designed for instructors who have been assigned to teach a course online for the first time. The course focuses on delivery and facilitation of online courses, rather than design. 2-3 hours per week for two weeks.

Fundamentals of Active Learning – Asynchronous / Hybrid

Register at: https://at-training.unh.edu/apps/ssr?action=course&id=308

Two weeks of asynchronous online modules and an optional synchronous, hands-on component for TEAL technology training (required to use the TEAL classrooms). Get simple and adaptable active learning strategies that you can immediately incorporate into your current syllabus.