Evidence Based Pedagogy

CEITL has presented evidence-based pedagogy in our Talk about Teaching Series and January Workshop Series. Below are video links to the recorded webinars on evidence-based pedagogy.

Title Date Type Length CEITL Event
Design Your Slides with Cognitively Supported Multimedia Principles   July 16, 2020 Recorded webinar 64 min. Talk about Teaching 2020 Summer Series
The Student Cognition Toolbox: Promote Student Success by Empowering Them to Become Self-Regulated Learners in Any Course Delivery Platform   January 4, 2021 Recorded webinar 88 min. January Workshop Series, 2021
Interactive Activities to Promote Study Strategies: Companion Activities for the Student Cognition Toolbox   January 5, 2021 Recorded webinar 88 min. January Workshop Series, 2021
Reduce Mind Wandering and Increase Student Engagement in Your Course with Empirically Demonstrated Strategies that Promote Learning   January 13, 2021 Recorded webinar 75 min. January Workshop Series, 2021