Resource Year Topic Type
Practices and Policies Around Wellness: Insights From the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Network
Mitchell KJ, Gewirtz-Meydan A, O'Brien J and Finkelhor D (2022) Practices and Policies Around Wellness: Insights From the Internet Crimes…
2022 Vicarious Trauma Paper
Medical First Responders and Child Sexual Exploitation: Needs, Efforts, and Next Steps
O’Brien, J. E., DellaPenna, R., Gonzalez-Pons, K., & Mitchell, K. (2022). Medical First Responders and Child Sexual Exploitation: Needs, Efforts…
2022 Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children Paper
Practices and Policies Around Wellness: Insights From the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Network
Mitchell, K. J., Gewirtz-Meydan, A., O'Brien, J., & Finkelhor, D. (2022). Practices and Policies Around Wellness: Insights From the Internet…
2022 Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children Paper
Sibling Aggression and Abuse Research and Advocacy Initiative (SAARA)
SAARA was created to promote awareness of sibling aggression and abuse and provide guidance for how to prevent and reduce their occurrences.
2022, 2023, 2024, 2025 Bullying/Peer Victimization, Sibling Aggression and Abuse Project
Crimes against children known to police
Sundberg-Alley, M. (2022). Crimes against children known to police. Durham, NH: Crimes against Children Research Center.
2022 General Child Victimization Paper
What works to prevent violence against children online?
[Finkelhor, D., Walsh, K., Jones, L., Sutton, S., & Opuda, E.] (2022). What works to prevent violence against children online? Geneva: World…
2022 Technology/Internet Victimization, Trends In Child Victimization Paper
Prevalence on Online Sexual Offenses Against Children in the US
Finkelhor, D., Turner, H., & Colburn, D. (2022). The prevalence of online sexual offenses against children in the US. JAMA Open network, 5(10),…
2022 General Child Victimization, Technology/Internet Victimization Paper