
Recent Stories

  • Two people fly a drone on a rocky coast
    - FOSTERing Success
    A UNH program that helps New Hampshire small businesses grow by accessing federal grant funding has notched its first major success. Portsmouth-based Nearview, a participant in... Read More
  • Heidi Asbjornsen, associate professor of natural resources and the environment.
    - Top in Their Fields
    Researchers from around the world are turning to the findings of scientists with the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture as they work to solve some of the most critical... Read More
  • UNH Receives SBA Grant to Help New Hampshire Small Businesses
    - UNH Receives SBA Grant to Help New Hampshire Small Businesses
    UNH has received a $125,000 grant from the U.S. Small Business Administration, one of 24 organizations awarded grants aimed at aiding small businesses, particularly those that are... Read More
  • Engaging with UNHInnovation – A Graduate Student Perspective
  • Advanced-manufacturing-center-shot-from-overhead
    - Innovation Impact
    A new report ranks UNH sixth among midsized universities at turning research funding into economic impact. Read More
  • Vine full of kiwiberries
    - Fingerprinting Kiwiberries
    A new partnership between UNH and Hartmann's Plant Company in Michigan aims to ensure that every bite of a kiwiberry is as delicious as the next one, a level of product control... Read More
  • UNHInnovation
    - Innovation Station
    UNHInnovation launches the university’s ideas into the world and invites the world to UNH Read More
  • Printing Protection
    - Printing Protection
    UNH's 3D printers are contributing to the COVID-19 effort by printing parts for medical face shields. Photo by Heather MacNeill. Read More
  • Hamel Rec Center set up with cots
    - Getting to Yes
    Even as UNH’s faculty members conduct their spring semester classes online, providing students with a much-needed sense of normalcy, other members of the university community are... Read More
  • Alley Leach and Jenn Andrews from UNH Sustainability Institute hold their UNH Innovator of the Year trophy
    - Innovating Campus Sustainability
    Jennifer Andrews ’02, ’08G and Allison Leach ’18G of the UNH Sustainaibility Institute (UNHSI) have been named the 2019 J. Brent Loy Innovators of the Year. Read More