Kendall Gray '20

2019 Sustainability Fellow - Campus Climate Action Planning | UNH Energy Task Force
Kendall Gray, Sustainability Fellow

Kendall completed her Bachelor’s at UNH in Environmental Conservation and Sustainability with minors in Community Planning and Spanish. During her summer fellowship, Kendall worked alongside the UNH Energy Task Force to research high performance building standards and internal carbon pricing strategies. She researched national and international high performance building standards and their integration into policy at higher education institutions. Utilizing this information, she benchmarked the University of New Hampshire’s high performance building standards against those of eighteen other leading American institutions. Ultimately, Kendall developed a series of recommended high performance building standards for new construction and major renovation projects aimed at lowering the University of New Hampshire’s energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, Kendall researched internal carbon pricing strategies directed at reducing building-level energy usage, incenting sustainability-driven decision-making, shortening the payback time of energy efficiency projects, or generating a sustainability fund. Kendall presented her recommendations to key stakeholders for potential adoption and inclusion in the University of New Hampshire’s third climate action plan “WildCAP 2019”.