Dismantling to Build a More Inclusive and Thriving Workforce

Tuesday, October 17, 2023 - 12:40 p.m. to 2 p.m.

Memorial Union Building Granite State Room

October 17, 2023
12:40 - 2 p.m.

Dismantling to Build a More Inclusive & Thriving Workforce 
How do we remove some of the systemic barriers to employment for those formerly incarcerated or who’ve struggled with substance abuse, and provide access and pathways to decent careers? In this discussion, our speakers will share personal experiences and will address how their organizations practice open hiring, support employees, and build thriving companies. We'll be joined by:

  • Margo Walsh, Founder and Owner, Maine Works 
  • Peter Handy, CEO, Bristol Seafoods  
  • Carolyn Stone ‘97, Leader, Talent Acquisition & People Operations, Hypertherm Associates 

Thank you to our series partners: Responsible Governance & Sustainable Citizenship Project/College of Liberal Arts and New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility 
Thank you to our October event partners: UNH Health & Wellness and the UNH Library

SPECIAL RESOURCES FOR FACULTY! Before the event, faculty and their students have access to the 30-minute documentary titled "Hopeful." The documentary delves into the establishment of Maine Works and the development of a model that fosters inclusive workforce access and pathways. 
We will also help with identifying relevant readings, creating post-event discussions and/or assignments for your classes.
Reach out to Kat.Hand@unh.edu for more information.