Sustainable & Renewable Energy Webinar

Wednesday, January 11, 2023 - noon to 1 p.m.


COP 27, the United Nations climate change conference in November 2022 has been gaining a great deal of media coverage, but what does this mean for you professionally and personally? While there is now broad acknowledgement of the urgent need to scale up our global response to climate change, navigating the options and knowing how you can best contribute, can be overwhelming. In this webinar alumni who work in the sustainable and renewable energy field will help demystify the sustainable energy landscape and share actionable insights.

Guest alumni speakers include: 

• Dan Clapp '00, Co-Founder, ReVision Energy
• Tricia Dinkel '12G, Director, Cleantech Navigate Northeast at Northeast Clean Energy Council (NECEC)
• Charlotte Harris '18, Trade Officer, Offshore Wind and Clean Energy – Northern Powerhouse, British Consulate-General Boston 
• Scott MacDonald '90, Vice President and Managing Director, Usource - a Nextera Energy Company
The Sustainability Alumni webinar series is a partnership of UNH's Sustainability Institute and Alumni Relations.