The Applied Biosystems ViiA 7 is a seventh generation Real-Time PCR (RT-PCR) system that offers high throughput and sensitivity. The ViiA™ 7 Real-Time PCR System combines all of the qPCR features you want in a single high performance instrument, so that you can optimize your research productivity.

Manufacturer: Applied Biosystems
Model No.: AB-ViiA 7
Year of manufacture:
Year acquired:
Location: Rudman Room 354
- Block change design Block change from front of instrument in less than 1 min; no secondary tools required
- Temperature uniformity ±0.5°C, within 30 sec of reaching temperature set point
- Run time ~35 min for 384-well, ~30 min for 0.2 mL 96-well and 0.1 mL Fast 96-well
- Demonstrated sensitivity Down to 1 copy
- Dynamic range Up to 9 logs of linear dynamic range
- Supported applications Standard curve, Comparative Ct, Genotyping, Presence/Absence, HRM, Melt curve
- Resolution Detect changes as little as 1.5-fold in target quantities in singleplex reaction
- Supported blocks and volume 96-well standard (10–100 µL reactions) 96-well Fast (10–30 µL reactions)384-well (5–20 µL reactions),TaqMan® Array Micro Fluidic Cards (~1 µL reactions)
- Excitation/detection wavelengths - 6 excitation (450–670 nm) 6 emission (500–720 nm)
- 21 CFR p11 enablement Security and auditing features for instrument data
- Power 100–240 V, ~50/60 Hz
- Automation Includes plate-loading arm w/ barcode (sales, service, and support provided by Life Technologies)
- Ability to monitor 15 instruments at a time remotely
- Remote notification Emails user when run is started, stopped, or aborted
- Data export format fully configurable by user
Principal scientist:
The Knowledge Base contains forms, instruction and training material, minutes, policies, tools and other resources to support your research efforts by topic area.
- UIC: Online Instrument Reservation
- Instrument Protocols
- Instrument Overview Slide Deck
- UIC: Training Request Form
- CIBBR Acknowledgement
Sherine Elsawa
Rudman Room No 157
Durham, NH 03824
UNH Rate:
$45.00/hour assisted
$5.00/hour unassisted
Non UNH academic Rate:
$100.00/hour assisted
$50.00/hour unassisted
Industry Rate:
$100.00/hour assisted
$50.00/hour unassisted