The Pavone is a state-of-art Nanoindentor that combines fiber optics force-sensing technology with synchronized imaging and precision mechanical indentation to provide integrated solution for any high-throughput mechanical analysis from routine hydrogel testing and single-cell mechanobiology experiments to high-throughput mechanical screening of 3D tissue models. The fiber-optical interferometric technology permits measurement of the softest materials (~10Pa) in controlled environmental conditions with high force resolution and in a non-destructive way. The Pavone enables automated experimental workflow and conducts both static and dynamic mechanical measurements that include quasi-static, stress relaxation/creep and dynamic indentation with controlled force and indentation-depth to capture complex mechanical properties, such as nonlinearity, adhesion, viscoelasticity and prorelasticity.

Manufacturer: Optics11 Life
Model #: Pavone
Year of Manufacture: 2023
Year Acquired: 2023
Location: Kingsbury Hall S333
- Imaging Capabilities
- Objective Up to 60x, interchangeable
- CMOS camera 40 frames/s
- Environmental Control
- Temperature control (standard) Stage frame heating with 4 sensors (0.1 degrees C accuracy)
- Indentation capabilities
- Probe force range 20 pN – 2 mN
- Indentation stroke Up to 100 micrometers@0.5 nm resolution
- Contact size diameter 1 micrometer – 100 micrometer
- Minimum sample size >0.4 microliters for 96-well plate (thickness 3 micrometers)
Principal Scientist: Linqing Li
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Kingsbury Hall W317
Durham, NH 03824
Phone: (603) 862-1429
Linqing Li