The office of Enrollment Management is responsible for providing vision, leadership and management for all aspects of the student-centric enrollment process, which includes admissions (undergraduate and professional masters), student accounts, and financial aid. Long-term strategic planning of enrollment, effective data analysis, and the implementation of growth strategies for all three UNH campuses, Durham, Manchester and Concord are executed within the Enrollment Management office.
We are committed to collaborating with campus partners to attract, enroll, retain, and graduate a student body that supports UNH’s educational mission and institutional goals.
We strive to be the leading enrollment management division amongst public New England Land Grant Universities.
Mission Fulfillment
In collaboration with campus partners, we lead the ongoing development of long-term strategic enrollment planning to support UNH’s fiscal strength and academic mission.
Recruiting and enrolling undergraduate students to attend UNH and UNH Manchester, recruiting and enrolling graduate students to attend UNH Manchester.
Assisting undergraduate, graduate and professional students and their families in financing their education at UNH, UNH Manchester, and UNH Law.
Proactively supporting decision making across the University through student success-related data analysis and reporting to enhance data-informed decision-making.

Transfer student
acceptance rate
Average enrolling
First year
retention rate