UNH Today

Call to Action

Faced with deep social injustice, some hear a clarion call to action. Alioune Sidi Mzeirigue ’22G, a self-described member of the Hratine former slave community in the Sahel region of Africa, nurtures a fiery passion to fight against the trampling of human rights. A native of Mauritania, Mzeirigue is among the inheritors of descent-based discrimination stemming from a traditional caste system and intergenerational slavery, a community locked into a cycle of poor education and limited opportunities beyond farming.

Poteet ’96 Preparing to Pilot Historic Space Mission

Lt. Col. Scott “Kidd” Poteet ’96, retired from the U.S. Air Force, has patrolled the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea, flown combat missions over Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo and Iraq, and even soared with the Thunderbirds, the Air Force’s elite precision team. As the pilot for SpaceX’s Polaris Dawn mission, he will head closer to the moon than anyone has been since NASA’s Apollo missions of the 1970’s.