Let PowerPlay help your educators and students navigate issues around diversity, inclusion, and equity unique to a classroom setting.
Target Areas: Microaggressions, inclusion, student-teacher interactions, difficult dialogues, diversity
Recommended for: Teachers; students; academic departments (all ages)
The Lab: Facilitating unexpected conversations around challenging interpersonal issues in the classroom can be daunting. How do we prepare? How do we have an equitable dialogue with little to no preparation?
Participants will then have a chance to ask the characters questions about their perspective on the scene and experiment with different strategies to achieve a more desirable outcome. After gathering suggestions about how the characters might approach these difficult situations differently, the actors “rewind” the scene and examine in real time how effective those strategies might be. The result is a lively, interactive way of learning directed at improving academic life for both students and faculty of richly diverse backgrounds.
Note: PowerPlay may be able to travel to your institution and work with student-actors on your campus in the presentation of this Lab.
PowerPlay's Equitable Hiring Lab was born out of a collaboration with the University of New Hampshire's Office of Community, Equity, and Diversity.
For more information on this and other PowerPlay programs contact
Program Manager, Dan Kleinmann: dan.kleinmann@unh.edu