Encourage your students to participate

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Online registration for the 2019 Undergraduate Research Conference (URC) is now open.

"We urge you to encourage your undergraduate students to present the results of their research projects — senior theses, capstone work, creative and scholarly presentations and class projects — at the 2019 URC, which will take place from April 11 to 27," says Amanda Adams, program coordinator for the URC.

Now celebrating its 20th year, the URC is open to students in all majors and disciplines and spotlights the research, scholarship and creativity of undergraduates from all of UNH’s colleges and departments. Last year, more than 1,900 undergraduates presented their work at 20-plus events on the Durham and Manchester campuses. Those students were mentored by more than 400 UNH faculty members.

"We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to those faculty members who have served — and continue to serve — as URC faculty mentors and have made URC participation such a meaningful academic and professional development experience for their students. Year after year, students report that a highlight of their URC experience was working closely with their faculty mentors," Adams notes. "Faculty play a critical role in making the URC happen. If you have not served as a URC faculty mentor in the past, we encourage you to do so."

Helpful URC links for faculty:

Registration closes on March 6.

Know a student or students who might be interested? Ask them to visit the URC website and click the “Register Here” button to begin the process.