Michele Dillon

Professor of Sociology, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts

Michele Dillon is a sociologist who rigorously studies various aspects of contemporary religion, the tension between tradition and societal change, secularization, and changes in religion/spirituality over the life course. She has special expertise in Catholicism – with a focus on issues of sexual behavior (including contraception, abortion, non-marital and same-sex relations), gender, and family life; the relationship between the laity and the church hierarchy; the impact of Pope Francis on the Church and society.

Most of Professor Dillon's research is on American Catholicism, but she also writes about changes in religion/Catholicism in Ireland. Her most recent book is Catholics in Transition (2013), which reports on a survey of American Catholics; and one of her earlier books, Catholic Identity: Balancing Reason, Faith, and Power (1999), examines doctrinal diversity among the laity on church teachings on sex and gender.

Ms. Dillon is currently writing a book (Post-secular Catholicism) examining the mutual tensions and ties between secular and religious forces as played out within Catholicism and between the Church and society.

Pope Francis
College of Liberal Arts
Michele Dillon
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303A McConnell Hall