Thursday, June 21, 2018
Melissa Lyon, director of CaPS at UNH Manchester, presents the Wildcat Way to Professional Success

To align with the name and initiatives of their Durham colleagues, the Internship & Career Planning office at UNH’s Manchester campus is now Career and Professional Success (CaPS). While the name is new, the team continues to provide the same support services, from resume revamps to internship matching to job searches.

With a new name also comes new technology. CaPS has led the charge on UNH’s move to Handshake, a new career management system for all students and employers. Formerly Wildcat Careers, Handshake is the online hub that connects students to employers and job opportunities. Handshake allows students to search for full-time jobs, internships, on-campus and work-study positions, as well as research employers, schedule career counseling appointments and see the full list of on-campus recruitment events and activities.

Questions? Contact the Career and Professional Success team