A teaser on Facebook and Twitter resulted in 1867+ views of the UNH Frozen animation. 7600+ have watched Jennifer Lee's speech.
1,055 total mentions of #UNH14 on social media with heaviest use on Twitter and the peak was on May 17th at 458.
315 #UNH14 hashtags were used on Instagram
Top Facebook post for UNH Commencement: Jennifer Lee speech. (Overall reach by 05/21/14) Organic: 7120, Viral 28400)
183 retweets of @UofNH commencement-related posts.
1 selfie was shown on the jumbotron. See behind the scenes! |
Visit a collage of many uses of #UNH14 via Tagboard.
1600 pageviews of the 2014 UNH Commencement Social Media Mash-up webpage. (30% came from mobile devices, 16% came from tablets, and 54% from desktop)
3600+ photos were taken by UNH Photographers.
Written By:
Bridget Finnegan | Communications and Public Affairs | bridget.finnegan@unh.edu | 603-862-1465