General R. Ford Library and Museum: Robert M. Teeter-Dissertation Award

The Gerald R. Ford Scholar Award in Honor of Robert M. Teeter is an annual award given to a doctoral student to support dissertation research and writing on an aspect of the United States political process and public policy in the last half of the 20th century. The awardee must conduct a portion of their research at the Gerald R. Ford Library in Ann Arbor, MI. 

Deadline: March

Value: $5,000

Eligibility: Applicants must have completed all requirements for the Ph.D. program (coursework and examinations) by the application deadline, except for the dissertation.

Major: Doctoral students in Political Science, History, Journalism, Communications, Public Policy, Foreign Relations, or American Studies

Fellowship Type: Graduate

Category: Dissertation

Nomination: No, but strongly suggested to work with the Fellowships Office

Website: General R. Ford Library and Museum: Robert M. Teeter-Dissertation Award