What is Educational Talent Search?
The mission of Educational Talent Search (ETS) is to prepare academically qualified limited income, first generation, New Hampshire youth to complete secondary school and enroll in and complete a program of postsecondary education. By providing academic advising, career, college, financial literacy and financial aid information, ETS increases educational opportunities for these youth.
ETS was created during the 1960's War on Poverty and grew out of the Civil Rights movement. We were created to promote educational opportunities and equity for all. We unite in the call to end racial inequality, violence and systemic bias. Our commitment is to speak out against racism and to encourage change. Our students will be the future leaders who will inspire this change. If any students are feeling stress or anxiety and wish to talk with someone, we are here for you! You can call our office at 862-1562 or contact your ETS Advisor.
Primary Services
- Career
- Academic: Secondary & Post Secondary
- College
- Financial Aid
- Financial Literacy

Academic Preparation
- Study Skills Development
- Test-taking Strategies
- Course & Grade Monitoring

Postsecondary Placement
- College Admissions Advising
- Financial Aid Application Assistance
- Campus Visits