Bluebird Days
Emily Larson came to UNH to study exercise science and ski for the Wildcats Nordic team.
This past year, she received two prestigious awards — one for the research she conducted under the guidance of professor of kinesiology Timothy Quinn, and one for her presentation of that research at the New England American College of Sports Medicine’s annual meeting.
Now she’s heading off to the University of Oregon, where she’s landed a full-time graduate assistantship.
Larson leaves incoming freshmen with this advice:
“Get involved in any and everything that sounds interesting to you. This could mean doing research with a professor, joining a new club or volunteering for a cause you believe in. Not all of these things will hold your interest, and that is OK. But, once you find the things that you are passionate about, chase after them with determination, put your whole heart into them, and enjoy the amazing experiences that are sure to follow.”