Jeremy DeLisle

Jeremy DeLisle's Articles

  • Male farmer squats before flooded field

    Extension Support Leads to Crop Aid for NH Farmers

    After freezes in February and May of 2023 that resulted in significant fruit crop loss, UNH Extension helped NH farmers get aid.
  • 6 Tips for a Great Garden This Year

    6 Tips for a Great Garden This Year

    Seed catalogs are now showing up in mailboxes, assuring us that spring is not too far away. At UNH Cooperative Extension's Education Center and Info Line, we are already getting daily calls from...
  • Soil, Sun and Success

    Soil, Sun and Success

    Q: My family and I have wanted to start a vegetable garden in our backyard for a couple of years now. This year we are finally ready to make it happen. Can you give us some tips on getting started...
UNH Cooperative Extension