Sunday, April 26, 2020
President Dean

Apples and oranges. Venus and Mars. Despite the myriad synergies and mutual benefits to collaboration, universities and the businesspeople who might engage with them struggle to bridge the cultural gap that yawns between them.

Insider's Guide

A new book by UNH’s ultimate insider — its 20th president — is a first-of-its-kind practical guide for board members, businesspeople, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, alumni, parents and administrators who want to invest in and enhance higher education. In “The Insider’s Guide to Working with Universities” (UNC Press, 2019), UNH president Jim Dean and co-author Deborah Y. Clarke provide a resource for individuals and groups experiencing the reality of a university structure for the first time since their own student days.

“A businessperson who brings a wealth of experience but is willing to learn more and to work closely with other board members and academics can make a tremendous contribution to a college or university,” says Dean. “The synergy between business perspectives and academic perspectives has the potential to dramatically change universities for the better.”

Jeremy Gasowski | UNH Marketing | | 603-862-4465