Thursday, August 31, 2017

The PAT Council will hold its next meeting Sept. 6 from 1 – 2:30 p.m. in the Board of Trustees Conference Room at Thompson Hall.

The agenda will include committee updates, a discussion of the UNH OS-PAT pet food/item drive and other topics. You need not be a member of the PAT Council to attend the meeting.

Are you interested in participating on the PAT Council? Visit our PAT Council sharepoint site, where you’ll find meeting minutes, a list of council members and information on how you can become involved. We're eager to hear you're concerns and interests.

As a reminder, the next FY17 application deadline for the UNH Staff Professional Development Grant is Sept. 8. Please view the application, which contains the grant's criteria, quarterly deadlines, eligible reimbursable expenditures and email submission process. Learn more