Kidder, Advoacy and Action Awards deadlines in March

Monday, February 4, 2019

When you nominate faculty, staff, students and groups/organizations for UNH's Commission on Community, Equity and Diversity's Kidder Awards and Advocacy and Action Awards, you express your gratitude for giving everyone the opportunity to thrive at UNH. 

The Kidder Fund Awards deadline for nominations is March 9.

Award details:

  • $1,500 scholarship to students
  • $1,000 professional development funding for staff and faculty
  • Pink Triangle Certificates for groups/organizations

The awards seek to honor those who, through their scholarship, leadership or outstanding efforts, foster greater understanding of sexual orientation and gender expression at UNH.

The Advocacy and Action Awards deadline for nominations is March 23.

UNH's Commission on Community, Equity and Diversity recognizes the historical significance of these awards as avenues toward building awareness of the good work being done to bring inclusion and equity for all and to reinforce how difference in any setting brings value. Recognition of this fact helps each member of our university community thrive.

Nominate programs and individuals supporting a safer, more welcoming campus to help the commission recognize those who cultivate a universally inclusive learning environment.