Dear Colleagues,
Now that summer has finally arrived and focus has turned to spending time with family and friends in this beautiful region we call home, I wanted to be sure you all had an important fall date on your calendars.
On Wednesday, Sept. 11, from 3:30-5 p.m. in the MUB Strafford Room, the results of the campus climate survey will be shared and discussed at a forum. An executive summary will be made available a week in advance, and I encourage you to come learn about the findings in more detail and provide feedback on the next steps we will identify.
A welcoming and inclusive campus climate grounded in mutual respect, nurtured by dialogue and evidenced by a pattern of civil interaction is the foundation of our educational model. We all play a role in ensuring our community is open, fair and equally accessible for all students, staff and faculty.
James W. Dean Jr.
UNH President